
Showing result 181–200 of 1,027 for «special tasks»

lungo2003dataflowhiss.pdf - Department of Informatics

their hot discussions and exchanging idea all the time we have been together. Special thanks are due to my lecturers who actually made it possible: Prof...

mbie2009decisiondatamalaria.pdf - Department of Informatics

simpler and clearer. Thanks for this possibility of sharing; To Prof. Dr. Jens Kaasbøll, for his research collaborations; In a special way, to Prof. Dr...

nhavoto2009malariagismozambique.pdf - Department of Informatics

never been done without your support. My appreciation also goes to all my classmates and friends. Special thanks go to my colleagues from Malawi, namely...

msiska2009gishivmalawi.pdf - Department of Informatics

thesis would not be possible without you. Special thanks to my wife, Taonga. Too much I want to say but space won’t let me. Sufficing to say you are simply...

mukama2003hoslocalleveltanzaniamozambique.pdf - Department of Informatics

information flows within a national health care system in Norway and Mozambique. In particular, the study in Norway provided special interest in comparing how...

nyella2007integrationhiszanzibar.pdf - Department of Informatics

tasks (ibid). These debates however point to an important concept that integration process is a social, political and technical challenging give and take...

rahels-thesis.pdf - Department of Informatics

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 3.3 Map design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 3.4 Taxonomy of map and task design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 3.5...

emil-thesis.pdf - Department of Informatics

/ Printed: Reprosentralen, University of Oslo Acknowledgements First of all, I would like to give a special thank you to my advisor...

halvorkr-thesis.pdf - Department of Informatics

-Study Questionnaire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 3.3.4 Experimental Task Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 3.3.5 Experiment Execution and...

Building epigenetics clocks for estimating chemical exposures - Institutt for informatikk

goal-oriented person. The candidate, if needed, will be offered a special curriculum introductory course on cancer biology to be better prepared for the...

Workshop talks - Department of Mathematics

complexification structure in the special case of SU q (2), whose complexification is the quantum Lorentz group SL q (2, C ). We finally discuss about some...

speakers.pdf - Department of Mathematics

covers fixed-point and minimax methods as special cases. Finally, if time permits, we will also discuss possible applications of these methods in machine...

Spirals, multi-q states, and the skyrmion lattice - Fysisk institutt

honeycomb, diamond and perhaps kagome lattices. Special emphasis will be laid on when or where one can construct multi-q solutions to the LT equations. Then...

bernstein_conj.pdf - Department of Mathematics

some special cases in [7]. Jaklič and Kanduč [6] showed by computation that the matrix M + MT is positive definite for d ≤ 16 (but not for d = 17...

cv-april-2023-public.pdf - Institutt for informatikk

special advisor for user experience at The Norwegian Directorate for Health, Oslo. 2. Annelie Ekelin (11. May 2007): The Work to Make eParticipation Work...

Brief 5 - Yellow - Department of Informatics

, modulating the audible sound onto an ultrasonic carrier frequency, much like a radio station does, and then emitting this signal via 150 special piezoelectric...

cv-mars-2023-public.pdf - Institutt for informatikk

designer in Halogen. She now works as a special advisor for user experience at The Norwegian Directorate for Health, Oslo. 2. Annelie Ekelin (11. May 2007...

masteragbook-jco.pdf - Matematisk institutt

is always described as the set of common zeros of finitely many polynomials. Note the two special cases Zp1q “ H and Zp0q “ Anpkq. The more constraints...

STRATEGY 2025 - Department of Mathematics

history, developed into a science that has a special position: Mathematical symbolic languages and concepts constitute a logical world that can be explored...

Trial lecture: Darko Stern - Department of Informatics

for the best paper award of the Medical Image Analysis special issue of MICCAI 2018. He is awarded reviewer for several major journals and conferences...