
Showing result 41–54 of 54 for «internship»

smr-strategy-2030-uu.pdf - Norwegian Centre for Human Rights

Advocacy Seminars in partnership with Scholars at Risk;  Expanding internship opportunities with leading domestic and international institutions (such as...

strategy_2030_uu.pdf - Norsk senter for menneskerettigheter

internship opportunities with leading domestic and international institutions (such as the Norwegian National Institution for Human Rights and the Office of...

samlefil-saker-211206.pdf - Det juridiske fakultet

Sakskart til møte 4/2021 i fakultetsstyret Tid og stad: 6. des. 2021 13:00–16:00, Rom 8113, DJ Legg til i kalender V-SAK 1 Godkjenning av protokoll fr...

statement-chernykh.pdf - Department of Public and International Law

legal education in Ukraine, Italy, Sweden, and Norway. My legal career started with an internship in UNCITRAL in Vienna for more than 15 years and then...

statement-chernyk.pdf - Department of Public and International Law

legal education in Ukraine, Italy, Sweden, and Norway. My legal career started with an internship in UNCITRAL in Vienna for more than 15 years and then...

senterplan-cell-sfu-2020-2024-final-4-mai-2020.pdf - Det juridiske fakultet

employers for internship electives in different programmes to improve quality. o Expanding clinical opportunities by establishing an Entrepreneur Legal Clinic...

response-by-the-norwegian-centre-for-human-rights-to-ga.res.68.268.pdf - Norwegian Centre for Human Rights

. Introduce an “assisting lawyers” scheme that facilitates contributions made by young lawyers. Related to this, the OHCHR could allow for more internship and...

report-oslo-consultation---report.pdf - Faculty of Law

by young lawyers. Related to this, the OHCHR could allow for more internship and volunteer-related positions (e.g. UNV) specifically targeted for the...

2.3-cupl-master-and-phd-of-chinese-law-in-english.pdf - Det juridiske fakultet

year consists of full-time coursework with class attendance; the second year is set aside for dissertation writing, legal practice and internships...

ikdahl-cv-may-2015.pdf - Institutt for offentlig rett

internships: Kluge Law Firm (2001, 2002); Wikborg, Rein & Co Law Firm (2002); Ministry of Justice, Legislation Department (2002) 1999-2000 Faculty of Law, UiO...

rapport-2015-ud-avtale.pdf - Norsk senter for menneskerettigheter

obligatorisk kurs på masternivå. 50 studenter tok kurset i 2015. To masterstudenter frå SMR hadde internship ved Yunnan. Gjesteforskere fra Yunnan var ved SMR i...

renergi-final-project-description.pdf - Det juridiske fakultet

Project description 1 Meeting the climate challenge: New legal instruments and issues in national and international energy and climate law. 1. Objecti

samlefil-horingssvar-strategi.pdf - Det juridiske fakultet

Høringsinnspill til sak om Hovedprioriteringer 2013-2015 Sak om Hovedprioriteringer 2013-2015 ble sendt ut på høring til fakultetets enheter med hørin

plan_190207.doc - Norsk senter for menneskerettigheter

1 Til Styret ved Norsk senter for menneskerettigheter Fra Direktøren ved Norsk senter for menneskerettigheter Sakstype: Vedtakssak Møtesaksnr.: 2/07 c...