
Showing result 681–700 of 2,458 for «internship»

Investigation why the original paintings are preferred from perspective of color statistics and EEG study – Universitetet i Oslo

Technology), visiting researcher at RITMO during October-November 2019 Yuma Taniyama In October and November, I underwent an internship at RITMO for less than...

Protection of the dances of indigenous peoples – Universitetet i Oslo

the need to find innovative ways to protect the creations of indigenous peoples through technology; and after approaching the end of my internship here...

Effect of Sound on Dynamic Visual Acuity using a Head Mounted Display – Universitetet i Oslo

during October-November 2019 In October-November 2019, I did an internship, under the supervision of Prof. Bruno Laeng, as part of the RITPART-RITMO's...

A virtual reality experiment for studying the four main dynamic factors in surface electromyography recording – Universitetet i Oslo

three-week internship at RITMO supervised by Prof Kyrre Glette, to work with surface electromyography (sEMG) (i.e. muscle activation). sEMG provides an...

Programme structure – Linguistics and its Applications for a Multilingual Society (master's two years) – University of Oslo

structure This programme consist of 125 ECTS, which includes General courses (up to 30 ects) Specialisation courses (at least 10 ECTS) Internship (10 ects...

Food & Paper: New staff – Universitetet i Oslo

my bachelor's I spent a summer at Universitaet des Saarlandes in Germany for a DAAD research internship, which inspired to emigrate to Europe for my...

Exam: Time and place for PSYM4800 – Autumn 2019 – University of Oslo

Examination Internship report. Disclosure of exam assignment: January 10 at 9:00 AM Submission deadline: January 13 at 11:59 PM Examination system: Inspera...

Why choose this programme? – Linguistics and its Applications for a Multilingual Society (master's two years) – University of Oslo

internship as a placement in a private or public company, research centre or laboratory where you will be involved in a project with a significant linguistic...

Syllabus/achievement requirements – HUMR4504 - Spring 2020 – Universitetet i Oslo

(especially for internship report) pp. 393 Bantekas, I. & Oette, L. (2016) International human rights law and practice, 2nd ed, Cambridge University Press p. 96...

laglivlab_felleskollokvium.pdf - Fysisk institutt

○ Research internship @ NBI Morten the saviour Challenges? ● Experiments are never easy! ○ Cells die if...

Krubeal Danieli - Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet

, UK, where it sparked my interest for programming and AI. Before graduating, I also did an internship in Behavioral Psychology at the University of...

Syllabus – UV9919V2 - Vår 2019 – Universitetet i Oslo

). Talk in practice. Analysing student teachers’ and mentors’ discourse in internship. Chapter 2. 14 pages Prøitz, T. (2014). Conceptualisations of learning...

MISC - Project summary - Department of Biosciences

/summer schools, and seminars, but also for laboratory internships in the framework of collaboration projects. Travel between the three participating...

Newsletter January 2022 – University of Oslo

office, clusters, incubators and industry in our innovation ecosystem. Ready for internship for life science students Students from medicine, pharmacy and...

University of Oslo - Department of Biosciences

for internship and also for my student and researchers to take courses or internships abroad in the laboratories that offer complementary expertise...

soknad-tamas-bisztray--255352.pdf - Department of Informatics

Søknad 255352 - Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Secutiry and Risk Management for 5G Networks (Ref. 2023/26734) PERSONALIA SØKNAD UTDANNING / AKADEMISK...

More than you wanted to know about how to do interdisciplinary research - Nordic Centre for Research on Marine Ecosystems and Resources under Climate Change (NorMER)

case of internships. Many of these were described only vaguely, through claims that students would be ‘trained to work in teams’ or the activity would be...

New name innovation unit: UiO Growth House – University of Oslo

mature early-stage ideas. We provide tailored counselling, seed funding, meeting places, innovation mentor programme, student internship and more. Remember...

2019–21.pdf - Department of Informatics

achieving an SFI in digitalisation; • establish bachelor’s and master’s courses that provide increased opportunities for internships and tasks with external...

March newsletter 2022 - Digital Life Norway

still time to apply for the 2022 DLN PhD Industry Internship program, and we have a vacancy for new RRI senior advisor to join our team. More details in...