
Showing result 721–740 of 2,458 for «internship»

Information meeting about placement semester in the master programs - Institutt for medier og kommunikasjon

information meeting about a placement semester (internship semester) in their studies. Tid og sted: 11. jan. 2023 11:00 – 12:30 , Rom 205 - IMK Starting with...

Newsletter December 2022 – University of Oslo

internship – matchmaking for students and companies Companies that want to offer summer jobs to companies through the internship programme can sign up already...

The School of Health Innovation is now a part of the Life Science Growth House – University of Oslo

internship and more is an open door for students at UiO; researchers at UiO, Oslo University Hospital and Akershus University Hospital; managers and...

The innovation director's 2022 summary – University of Oslo

innovation associations, we have strengthened our work on student innovation. 24 students from MED and MN have had summer jobs through our student internship...

Innovation hangout #2 for academia and industry – University of Oslo

interests? Frans Suurs studied pharmaceutical sciences and oncology at the VU University Amsterdam. During his masters, he did an internship at the biotech...

Life sciences: New innovation services for researchers and students – University of Oslo

, meeting places, innovation mentor programme, student internship and more. View a larger version of the image . Note that we have changed our name to UiO...

Rhonda Moore - Institutt for lingvistiske og nordiske studier

semester-long internship at a particular company. (By the way, Speed Mentoring is like Speed Dating. To illustrate, every 10 minutes, students switch tables...

The Life Science Growth House so far – University of Oslo

, innovation hangouts, courses, seminars, internship for students and knowledge. Open door for researchers, leaders . students , administrative employees and the...

NOK 2.1 million from the Growth House to innovative researchers and students at UiO – University of Oslo

, student internship and more is an open door for students at UiO; researchers at UiO, Oslo University Hospital and Akershus University Hospital; managers and...

The Life Science Growth House 2022 summary – University of Oslo

, Mentor, Other funding, Internally, Externally, Mentor programme, Innovation hangouts, Seminars, Courses, Internship students, Lab space students, School of...

The Silicon Road – Chinese-Norwegian partnership in photovoltaics – University of Oslo

for MSc- and PhD-students from UiO, NTNU, NMBU and UiA, who would like to spend a two-week internship this summer at the Jinko Solar factory near...

fourMs Lab Meeting – For employees – Faculty of Humanities

Questionnaire DMP Floor Internships Github account Wishlist Minutes Status: PCs connected to internal lab network later this week, working on mounting storage...

Collaborations listing - Department of Informatics

employees can perform internships. Below is an incomplete list. Academic: Chalmers University (SE) Ecole Politechnique Paris (FR) Industry: eSmart Systems in...

Semester abroad – Nordic Media (programme option) – University of Oslo

exchange semester or if you wish to combine your studies with an internship through JOUR4900 Internasjonalt prosjektsemester (only in Norwegian). Through a...

Exam: Time and place for ENT4220 – Vår 2018 – University of Oslo

Exam: Time and place for ENT4220 – Vår 2018 – University of Oslo Examination: Time and place Examination Written report on a internship company, and...

Possible internships and job opportunities – Theory and Practice of Human Rights (master's 2-years) – University of Oslo

Possible internships and job opportunities The following is a list of organisations where students who are seeking for internships or job...

Ukrainian researcher Eduard Sablon Leiva joins the Faculty through Scholars at Risk - The Faculty of Theology

opportunity to take part in international exchange programs or internships abroad at this time,’ Leiva says. The shortage of electricity and unstable Internet...

UV9917V3 – Reviewing the Literature: Situating your Study in the Field – University of Oslo

). Talk in practice. Analysing student teachers’ and mentors’ discourse in internship. Chapter 2. Prøitz, T. (2014). Conceptualisations of learning outcomes...

humain.pdf - Det humanistiske fakultet

offer student internships dedicated to speculative AI futures and collaborate with the research group for artistic research at Kristiania to develop the...

dScience Lunch Seminar: Life Science Growth House – A New In-House Innovation Unit for Life Sciences, Health and Technology – Universitetet i Oslo

internship and more will contribute to a stronger innovation culture and to more knowledge from research being put to use collaborates closely with departments...