
Showing result 121–140 of 179 for «internship»

sakskart-til-fakultetsstyremote-070323-samlefil.pdf - Det medisinske fakultet

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8-23-vedlegg-2-oppfolging-arsplan-2021-2023.pdf - Det medisinske fakultet

næringsliv og offentlig sektor • Styrke alumnusordningene ved fakultetets studieprogrammer Internship-ordning for studenter er pilotert på nye områder, eks...

Utdanningssamarbeid med Oslo kommune - Institutt for helse og samfunn

utplassert to studenter i 8 ukers internship. – Dette gir kommunen mulighet til å belyse problemstillinger fra motiverte studenter med en spennende...

arsplan-medisinsk-fakultet-2021-2023.pdf - Det medisinske fakultet

Det medisinske fakultet 9 Årsplan 2021-2023, versjon 7.2 21.11.2022 Forventede resultater innen utgangen av 2021: • Internship-ordning for studenter er...

sakskart-til-fakultetsstyremote-131222-samlefil.pdf - Det medisinske fakultet

Det medisinske fakultet 9 Årsplan 2021-2023, versjon 7.2 21.11.2022 Forventede resultater innen utgangen av 2021: • Internship-ordning for studenter er...

48-22-vedlegg-1-arsplan-med-2021-2023.pdf - Det medisinske fakultet

Det medisinske fakultet 9 Årsplan 2021-2023, versjon 7.2 21.11.2022 Forventede resultater innen utgangen av 2021: • Internship-ordning for studenter er...

norment-annual-report-2021.pdf - NORMENT

NORMENT Annual Report 2021 Leader’s Comments 5 Scientific Highlights 2021 7 Prizes and Awards 8 About the Centre 10 Vision Statement 12 Scientific Aim

ncmm_arsrapport_2021_web.pdf - NCMM - Centre for Molecular Medicine Norway

Annual Report NCMM 2021 NCMM – Centre for Molecular Medicine Norway NCMM Co-Funders: University of Oslo The Research Council of Norway Helse Sør-Øst N

norment-annual-report-2021.pdf - NORMENT

NORMENT Annual Report 2021 Leader’s Comments 5 Scientific Highlights 2021 7 Prizes and Awards 8 About the Centre 10 Vision Statement 12 Scientific Aim

norment-annual-report-2020.pdf - NORMENT

NORMENT Annual Report 2020 Leader’s Comments 5 Scientific Highlights 2020 7 NORMENT and the Covid-19 pandemic 9 Prizes and Awards 11 About the Centre

marionappi_reflectionnote_-biomedical-research-in-the-time-of-covid-19-testimony-and-reflections-of-an-erasmus-student.pdf - Det medisinske fakultet

my thesis. I therefore decided to start a research internship in this group as I was deeply interested in the research lines they proposed, and I...

sewikasulpe_reflection-note.pdf - Det medisinske fakultet

, future, jobs and internships, struggles to pay for rent and foods, academic continuity, expensive visa status and unpredictable times deteriorates the...

jasmeetsinghnarota_reflection-note_to-accept-the-unacceptable.pdf - Det medisinske fakultet

for even internship as all the boarders are closed, I cannot even go back to my own country as my country as not accepting flights as the government...

48-21-v-etablering-av-enhet-for-innovasjon.pdf - Det medisinske fakultet

, møteplasser, utvikling av rugekassen, etablering av servicepakker, internship, forskningsmentor program og såkornmidler. Med dette tar nå MED og MN ansvar for å...

samlefil-151221.pdf - Det medisinske fakultet

, internt og eksternt samarbeid, møteplasser, utvikling av rugekassen, etablering av servicepakker, internship, forskningsmentor program og såkornmidler. Med...

norment-annual-report-2020.pdf - NORMENT

NORMENT Annual Report 2020 Leader’s Comments 5 Scientific Highlights 2020 7 NORMENT and the Covid-19 pandemic 9 Prizes and Awards 11 About the Centre

cancell_arsrapport-2019_originalskisse-1504.pdf - CanCell

ANNUAL REPORT 2019 CanCell – Centre for Cancer Cell Reprogramming University of Oslo Ca nC el l CanCell Annual report 20192 STIKKTITTEL Cover: A cell

ncmm_annual-report_2020_web_spreads.pdf - NCMM - Centre for Molecular Medicine Norway

From disease mechanisms to clinical practice Annual Report NCMM 2020 NCMM Annual Report 2020 NCMM Research2 NCMM Annual Report 2020 NCMM Research 3 NC

ncmm_annual-report_2020_web_spreads.pdf - NCMM - Centre for Molecular Medicine Norway

From disease mechanisms to clinical practice Annual Report NCMM 2020 NCMM Annual Report 2020 NCMM Research2 NCMM Annual Report 2020 NCMM Research 3 NC

ncmm_annual-report_2020_web_pages.pdf - NCMM - Centre for Molecular Medicine Norway

From disease mechanisms to clinical practice Annual Report NCMM 2020 NCMM Annual Report 2020 NCMM Research2 NCMM Annual Report 2020 NCMM Research 3 NC