
Showing result 1–20 of 125 for «PubMed»

jensen-and-konradsen-2018-a-review-of-the-use-of-virtual-realityhmd-in-education.pdf - Kulturhistorisk museum

biomedicine and health (PubMed), computer science and engineering (IEEE Xplore), education (ERIC), psychology (PsycINFO), and social sciences (International...

Not available, or not found? Lessons from user queries in the Oria catalog at UiO - Universitetsbiblioteket

following: atekst (issued 1.425 times), pubmed (1.221), exphil (719), det kvalitative forskningsintervju (711) and nature (669). Here, we already observe a...

Not Available, or Not Found? Lessons from User Queries in Oria at UiO (Explorative Study) - Universitetsbiblioteket

popular queries in 2015 and 2016. Those are the following: atekst (issued 1.425 times), pubmed (1.221), exphil (719), det kvalitative forskningsintervju...

5s-23-cv_lyng.pdf - Fysisk institutt

. Heidi Lyng 3 Selected...

2022-45094-description-of-position-cardiology.pdf - Institutt for klinisk medisin

104 papers on PubMed in 2021. The core activity is clinical cardiac research with a focus on myocardial function, coronary syndromes, cardiac genetic...

Week 33 - Universitetsbiblioteket

Analytics, which partially reveals where people come from before they access a digital publication (e.g. Google Scholar, Pubmed). Publisert 10. mai 2017 11:53...

Week 06 - Universitetsbiblioteket

., there is no entry for the Pubmed database in the first ten results, potentially confusing users (some other databases, e.g. Atekst, have one) At least 57...

lyng-cv.pdf - Fysisk institutt

. Heidi Lyng 3 Selected...

Guest lecture by Associate Professor Dr. Edward Knol - Det odontologiske fakultet

: Dr. Knol is visiting the Dental Faculty, Department of Oral Biology, as an opponent to the thesis by MSc Louise Bjerkan...

2021-3090 (Cardiology).pdf - Institutt for klinisk medisin

Cardiology is very active in clinical research and published 108 papers on PubMed in 2020. The core activity is clinical cardiac research with a focus on...

Plan S – an altered publishing landscape - Det medisinske fakultet

recognized industry initiative? PubMed 05.08.2019 UNIVERSITETET I BERGEN SIDE 28 ECONOMY NORWAY - Articles in scientific journals • Level 1 (80% of all...

norment-arsrapport-2013-final.pdf - NORMENT

cannabis abuse on clinical expressions of bipolar disorders. Psychol Med, 1-10 (2013). http://www.ncbi.nlm. 2. Aas, M., Haukvik, U.K...

hefte08.pdf - Universitetsbiblioteket

was searched for materials from education. Cinahl, PsycINFO and PubMed were searched for ma- terials from the health sciences. Within the natural...

hefte04.pdf - Universitetsbiblioteket

UBOskrifter4.dvi Biblioteket og forskningen Foredrag fra Fagreferentkonferansen i Oslo 2. – 4. juni 2008 Skrifter fra Universitetsbiblioteket i Oslo 4

2013-bunes-casebook.pdf - Institutt for klinisk odontologi

.! J! Endod.! 1997! Feb;23(2):77<85.! PubMed!PMID:!9220735.!Epub!1997/02/01.!eng.! 2.! Sattapan! B,! Nervo! GJ,! Palamara! JE,!Messer! HH.! Defects! in...

2014-storlicasebook.pdf - Institutt for klinisk odontologi

Faculty of dentistry Department of Endodontics Postgraduate Program in Endodontics Case Book Sissel Storli Spring Semester 2014 Table of Contents Endo

2012anderssamuelsenkasusmappe.-2012...pdf - Institutt for klinisk odontologi

obturation technique using 45Ca. J Endod 1981;7:500 45

2012piatitterudsundekasusmappe.pdf - Institutt for klinisk odontologi

UNIVERSITY OF OSLO FACULTY OF DENTISTRY Department of Endodontics Postgraduate Program in Endodontics Case Book Pia Titterud Sunde Spring Semester 201

Gua3 The evidence base for endodontic procedures.pptx - Institutt for klinisk odontologi

Cochrane Handbook: seven steps for preparing and maintaining a systematic review PubMed Search ”systematic review” endodontics 51 hits 14 selected of...

Start Brussels Compr.pdf - Institutt for klinisk odontologi

: PubMed • Bioactive glass 989 articles • PerioGlas 481 articles • PerioGlas surgery 211 articles • PerioGlas endodontic 4 articles Digital manipulation AP N...