
Showing result 1–12 of 12 for «internship»

Publikasjoner - Institutt for medisinske basalfag

xenon inhalation. Boccara, Charlotte & Babursah, Ela (2022). MASTER 1 NEUROSCIENCE Research Internship Report – A comparison of automatic sharp wave...

Disputas: Humberto Muquingue - Institutt for helse og samfunn

rural sociology (the one compounded by the way of life, expectations and realities of district communities) they face in the rural internship. This lens...

cv_michael_-bretthauer.doc - Institutt for helse og samfunn

, Telemark Hospital, February-July 1998 · Internship Telemark Hospital, Skien, Norway, January 1997-January 1998 Research positions · Full (tenured) Professor...

HERO2005_12.pdf - Institutt for helse og samfunn

excluded observations when the GP seemed to have misunderstood the question or groups of GPs with deviant characteristics. GPs on internship in general...

HERO2003_19.pdf - Institutt for helse og samfunn

university, the medical students continue in internship with 1 year of hospital practice and 6 months of primary care practice. To become a licensed specialist...

HERO2005_1.pdf - Institutt for helse og samfunn

, medical students continue in internships with 1 year of hospital practice and 6 months of primary care practice. To become a licensed specialist you must...

rapport_midtveisevaluering_2020_final.pdf - Institutt for helse og samfunn

. Recommended activities are e.g. matchmaking, mentor-programmes and internship. Research schools should also establish alumni networks, which members are...

norment-annual-report-2018.pdf - NORMENT

NORMENT Annual Report 2018 Leader’s Comments 5 Scientific Highlights 2018 7 Prizes and Awards 8 About the Centre 10 Vision Statement 12 Scientific Aim

norment-annual-report-2017.pdf - NORMENT

NORMENT Annual Report 2017 Leader’s Comments 5 Prizes and Awards 2017 7 About the Centre 8 Vision Statement 10 Scientific Aims 11 Organization of the

1966-innhold.pdf - Institutt for helse og samfunn

c:;tfedisinsk-vitenskapelig del Redaktør: O. K. Harlem Redaksjonssekretær: Ka a r e S o l h e i m 86.årgang INNHOLD Siffer før skr/ittrek angir nummer...

2009_11.pdf - Institutt for helse og samfunn

private practice at the same time. Medical studies in Norway are six years followed by an internship of 18 months of medical practice. Medical students are...

2009_11.pdf - Institutt for helse og samfunn

private practice at the same time. Medical studies in Norway are six years followed by an internship of 18 months of medical practice. Medical students are...