
Showing result 1–20 of 694 for «lovdatas»

The Information Centre at the Faculty of Law - Faculty of Law

of absence, reduced progression and postponed start Accessibility and adaptions IT-services for students Access to Lovdata and Rettsdata Username and...

Anne-Beth Meidell Engan - Department of Private Law

], under utgivelse (høsten 2021) i: Karnov Lovkommentarer på Lovdata Hotvedt, Marianne Jenum og Anne-Beth Engan: «New Supreme Court decision on the...

Marine Insurance - Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law

hold. NIFS and the insurance branch work together among other things on research subjects and the organisation of seminars. Tools • LovData • Norsk...

Kristina Stenvik - Department of Private Law

fråsegsett» motorvogn . Nytt i privatretten : nyhetsbrev for informasjon på det privatret. ISSN 1501-9594. p. 12–14. Stenvik, Kristina (2019). Lovdata...

Clarissa Lage Dahl - Det juridiske fakultet

hun som studentmedarbeider (deltid) hos Lovdata. Hun har tidligere vært ansatt som undervisningsassistent i valgfaget JUR1080/JUS5080 Programming for...

Guri Kristin Hjallen Eriksen - Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law

(2022). Kommentarer til Lov om forvaltning av viltlevande marine ressursar (havressurslova) - Lovdata. Karnov lovkommentarer . Eriksen, Guri Kristin...

Maritime Law - Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law

Association. Tools LovData The Norwegian maritime Code. MarIus 435 (2014) – English version Materialsamling i sjørett - Documents used in shipping (2010...

Candidates for the Faculty Board Election: Students - Faculty of Law

body is taken care of - regardless of whether it is about the teaching, the temperature in study rooms, or opinions concerning comments in Lovdata. If...

Mapping Legal Tech in Norway - Department of Private Law

result of the Lovdata-financed research project ‘Mapping the Legal Technology landscape in Norway’ carried out at the Norwegian Research Center for...

Anne Kjersti Befring - Department of Public and International Law

spesialisthelsetjenesteloven, lov 2. juli 1999, i Karnov/lovdata. Forfatter/fagredaktør . Karnov lovkommentarer . Brynildsrud, Karsten & Befring, Anne Kjersti (2024). Helse- og...

Geir Stenseth - Department of Private Law

). Ekspert om riksrett: Politisk stunt og strategisk tabbe. [Newspaper]. VG. Stenseth, Geir (2019). Digitale domsutvalg (faglærerutvalg) i Lovdata Pro til...

Petroleum Contract Law - Scandinavian Institute of Maritime Law

University Press, 2007. In addition, we arrange seminars at the Petroleum and Energy Law Club every semester. Tools • LovData • Norsk Fabrikasjonskontrakt 2007...

About the Centre - Det juridiske fakultet

collection, which is available to everyone. Moreover, the Centre publishes the biweekly newsletter EuroRett in cooperation with Lovdata. Organizing By decision...

Seminar on "Artificial Intellegence and Law" and the NRCCL Birthday Lecture - Department of Private Law

Computers and Law (NRCCL), with support from Lovdata, and not subject to registration. However, in the unlikely event that the room capacity should be...

Judicial Electronic Data Interchange in European Civil Proceedings and Criminal Matters - Norway - Institutt for privatrett

Judicial Electronic Data Interchange in European Civil Proceedings and Criminal Matters - Norway Application, Policies and Trends Norway Section 0. Pr

2-application-cell-sfu-2019-kort.pdf - Det juridiske fakultet

world’s first student law clinics (Jussbuss/JURK 1971/1974) and one of the first digital legal databases (Lovdata 1981). It has since integrated problem...

int-studenter-020720-eva.pdf - Det juridiske fakultet

time (the class itself, their own notes, Lovdata, etc.), which quickly makes for a chaotic situation. The students need more time to follow along and...

improving-ejustice-croatia-final-report-2022-2.pdf - Department of Public and International Law

Microsoft Word - Improving-eJustice-Croatia-Final-Report-2022-2.docx ____________________________________ Improving E-Justice in Croatia Technological

- Measures against child pornography not working well enough - Faculty of Law

further." A study of Interpol's resolution on the blocking of sites which sexualise children". Lovdata (Norwegian law) By Jorunn Kanestrøm and Per Jørgen...

int_studenter_020720_eva.pdf - Det juridiske fakultet

time (the class itself, their own notes, Lovdata, etc.), which quickly makes for a chaotic situation. The students need more time to follow along and...