
Showing result 1–20 of 63 for «special tasks»

external_-_internal_evaluation_reports_for_master_program_in_renewable_energy_systems_at_its.pdf - Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet

different price models and actions. (TEK5350; TEK5410; TEK5340)  You have profound knowledge in a special field such as solar energy, storage, smart grid...

sak-10-24-evalnat_fi-rapport.pdf - Fysisk institutt

way, and they perform this task very well. Their success in collaborative publications and acquired third‐party funding shows this. The modernisation of...

2023-collected-final.pdf - CCSE

Handbook of Physics Education Research. This handbook, consisting of three volumes (Teaching, Learning, and Special Topics) is meant to act as a primer on...

m17_usermanual_single.pdf - Fysisk institutt

obligations providing for special operational circumstances, e.g. as regards work organisation, work practices and personnel. The owner-operator undertakes to...

rapport-eksternt-panel---programevaluering-dec-2022-v2.pdf - Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet

semester are very practice-oriented (personalized drug treatment). Special practice periods (SamPraks), which is an elective, cross-disciplinary...

sak7-2023-sirk-mi-styre.pdf - Matematisk institutt

each of the five criteria. Please also provide recommendations for improvement. We ask you to pay special attention to the following 5 aspects in your...

5s-23-cv_durante.pdf - Fysisk institutt

, Erice, Italy, 30.4.2019 10. Heavy ions in therapy and space. Special lecture at the European Physics Society (EPS) Council, Split, Croatia, 5.4.2019...

innkalling-is3-2022.pdf - Institutt for biovitenskap

recommendations for improvement. We ask you to pay special attention to the following 5 aspects in your assessment: [To be completed by the board: specific aspects...

Harvard sustainability plan - Matematisk institutt

present. Harvard has long recognized its responsibility to confront these challenges as part of its special accountability to the future. Fulfilling these...

sak-31-22-evalnat-self-assessment_administrative-units.pdf - Fysisk institutt

applicable) funding related to special hospital tasks, if any Total 2.1.4 Participation in national infrastructures Describe the most important...

rocs_annual_report_2020_uu.pdf - Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet

surrounding atmosphere. Waves and oscillations As part of a special issue of the Philosoph- ical Transactions A of the Royal Society on solar wave dynamics...

Sak 20 14 SAB-rapporten - Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet

SAB has not been charged with proposing changes to the strategy. Our task has been to offer advice on how UiO can best improve the execution of its...

19.08.30-referat.programrad.renewable-energy-systems_vb.docx - Institutt for teknologisystemer

September. The Programme Council will be oriented by mail. · Two special cases on transferring credits from Universities other than UiO. The cases were...

Innkalling-IS3-2020.pdf - Institutt for biovitenskap

special focus when recruiting new junior faculty. However, it is only very rarely that excellence and innovation in teaching is explicitly expressed in the...

university-of-oslo_ccse.pdf - CCSE

nationally 55. Special focus has been placed on understanding and improving first year retention through the research-near experience provided by CSE. The...

ibv-annual-report-2015.pdf - Institutt for biovitenskap

2015 ANNUAL REPORT DEPARTMENT OF BIOSCIENCES 2 The research focus of the Department of Biosciences is to understand fundamental bi- ological processes

Innkalling-IS1-2019.pdf - Institutt for biovitenskap

thematic initiatives across units and in cooperation with partners shall receive special attention. These are: • life sciences • earth and space sciences...

the-science-of-teaching-science.pdf - Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet

H E L L W A L D R O P THE 21ST CENTURY SCIENTIST A Nature and Scientific American special issue Nature Scientific American O 2 7 2 | N...

meta_no2_081215_lr_1.pdf - CEED

. This edition of Meta is very special, since it will be the last printed edition. With Sigma2s new communication plan we will have a stronger focus on...

Strategic_plan.pdf - Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet

modelling have an important place here. Action: The Faculty will follow up its approved strategy of internationalisation with special emphasis on the further...