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About the Green Office

The Green Office is a meeting place and a contact point for students and employees who have ideas or questions about how to make UiO a more sustainable place to study and work.

The Green Office Team of 2024. 10 persons standing in next to each other.

The Green Office Team of 2024


The Green Office strives to be:

  • a space for sustainable activities at Blindern
  • an instigator for projects, campaigns, and other activities
  • a point of connection for student associations, elected representatives, and other interested parties who work to make UiO a more sustainable place.

A core objective of the office is to help strengthen existing sustainable efforts at UiO, and contribute to making the university reach the goals outlined in the Comprehensive Climate and Environment Strategy. 


The Green Office is operated by eight students employed in 20% positions, one student in an internship, and one employee from UiO.

We welcome all students and employees at UiO to get involved in projects, events, and work groups that will be started up here at the Green Office.

The Green Office is a member of the Green Office Movement, which in turn is part of the international organisation Students Organizing for Sustainability (SOS) International.

UiO finances the operation of the Green Office.

Angelique Rein, United States

MA in Development, Environment & Cultural Change.

I am passionate about alternative sustainable ways of living, hopeful climate narratives, and the power of community. I love getting inspired by green books, eating delicious vegan food, and challenging myself to obtain things without buying new. I hope the Green Office can enable a wider transformational shift towards sustainability at the University of Oslo and beyond.

Holly Benna, Canada

MA in Development, Environment & Cultural Change.

I am passionate about Climate Justice action that happens in our community, because I really believe that each of us has something unique to bring. I’m super excited for the Green Office to be a space to create that community, to bring people together to connect and collaborate on the initiatives we are all so passionate about!  

Håkon Måge, Norway

BA political science, psychology

I am passionate about making institutional change through student involvement. There is so much potential for student engagement that could bring about positive change. Through the Green Office as a platform I hope to make UiO a greener university in the future!

Lucas Wenk-Wolff, Norway/Germany

MA in History. 

Consumer society, repairs and climate justice are some of my core issues. There is a historical myth that Norway without oil would plummet 200 years back in time. Meanwhile Sweden, Finland and Denmark still are well off without oil. We are not dependent on oil if we really want to be, we need to invest into other ways of producing energy.  

Rica Günther, Germany

LLM in Public International Law with a Focus on International Economic Law and Sustainable Development

I subscribe to a concept of sustainability which sets out to create a safe and just space for humanity by ensuring the social foundations are met while remaining within the limits of the boundaries of our planet. Large companies and corporations are currently heavily contributing to unsustainability. I am passionate about understanding how a paradigm shift, institutional change and holding companies accountable for their value chains can help us create the safe and just space for humanity that we are looking for.

Sandra Irén Bongo, Norway

MA in Marin Biology.

Bures! I am originally from Sápmi northern Norway, but I have migrated south in the search for warmer weather and a master's degree in marine biology. I'm into a lot of things, but I'm really passionate about sewing and knitting. Everyone needs clothes, that is why my goal is to make fashion both sustainable and fun. I want to learn how to create high-quality pieces that last in addition to fixing up the stuff I already have. I love finding new ways to reuse old fabrics and scraps to give them a new lease of life.

In a nutshell, my dream is to make fashion eco-friendly and enjoyable by making durable clothes, taking care of them, and revamping old textiles.  If that sounds like your cup of tea, then I hope you will join one of our workshops!

Sophia Leeber, Norway

BA in Pedagogy.

In addition to studying and working at the Green Office, I am also the board leader for the student association “Blindern studentgarden” which is a community garden and learning arena for and by students on the Blindern campus. I am passionate about protecting and caring for nature. In addition I enjoy sharing skills and knowledge about regenerative agriculture and permaculture. I will work to promote biodiversity at the UiO campuses, and work to find sustainable solutions to practical problems such as finding ways to reduce waste.

Søren Mortensen, Denmark

BA in Philosophy, politics and economy.

Academically, I am interested in Climate Justice which was the subject of my bachelor thesis. I am passionate about activism, mobilization and how we construct the narrative around the green transition. I hope we can find a way of thinking of sustainability less in terms of sacrifice and more in terms of gains – for example how we all can get a greener university! 

Toril Finbråten, Norway

MA in Development, Environment & Cultural Change.

I am doing an internship here at the Green Office as part of my degree. I am passionate about making green and climate-friendly actions a part of our everyday lifestyle, and I think the Green Office will be a great platform for those initiatives.  


Anne-Line Sandåker, Norway

Staff member at the Green Office.

I am passionate about enabling students and staff at UiO to make a change and impact at our workplace – and hopefully to our life outside UiO as well! I’m also a keen gardener and am at my happiest when I can get my hands dirty in a vegetable plot.  


Published Feb. 16, 2023 1:07 PM - Last modified Apr. 23, 2024 8:29 PM