Norwegian version of this page

Poster-making before the Big Climate Demonstration / ‘Den Store Klimamarkeringen’ 

Join the Green Office in demonstrating with the Student Parliament, Naturvernforbundet, Natur og Ungdom, Greenpeace, Spire, Fagforbundet, and many other organizations in the biggest action for Climate policy! 

Young people demonstrating with postes with slogans about climate change.

Let's stand united!

We will be making posters together at the Green Office from 14:00 onwards and will leave Blindern at 15:45 to head to Majorstuen, where we will join up with other groups to march to Stortinget together. The demonstration starts at 17:00 at Eidsvolls plass.

This year has been marked by record breaking temperatures, natural disasters all around the world, and unjust impacts. The climate crisis is here, and it is getting worse. The UN climate panel and the International Energy Agency (IEA) say that all countries, including Norway, must stop oil exploration, phase out oil and gas and invest in large-scale energy efficiency and gentle renewable energy if we are to avoid even more catastrophic climate change. Nevertheless, Norway continues to look for new oil. 

With COP28 coming up in December, now is the time to make our voices heard! Join us to show that you want fair climate action now! 

Before the demonstration, we will make posters together in the Green Office. We will provide paper and cardboard, as well as markers and paint, but if you have anything that you would like to use, please bring it! 

Link to the main demonstration on facebook: 


Green Office UiO
Published Nov. 13, 2023 9:59 AM - Last modified Dec. 15, 2023 6:00 PM