Norwegian version of this page

UiO's design profile in social media

Social media are important for communication with our target audiences, and the design manual includes guidelines for the content we create for these channels.

The guidelines are flexible and accommodate a broad spectrum of needs, while contributing to a recognisable expression across UiO's channels.

On this page you find an overview over general design principles for the design of posts.

You'll also find information on available ready-made UIO templates for social media, and instructions on how you can implement our design principles directly in the social media apps.

Do you need information about the creation and configuration of social media accounts?

Rules of thumb for designing posts in social media

The main principles of UiO's design profile should be used in all social media formats.

Design principles

In the following we summarise the design principles you should follow when creating content for social media. 

Colours and colour combinations

Use only the colours included in UiO's colour palette. See information on colour codes.

When choosing colours from the palette, you must also take accessibility into account. As a main rule, we recommend to using black text on light colours, and white text on dark colours.

Examples of the most common accessible colour combinations of fonts and text boxes.

You can also choose other colour combinations for text and background, but note hat there are a lot of profile colours that cannot be combined: See overview of accessibility-approved combinations of text and background (Norwegian).

Illustration of different kinds of approved combinations of text and background colour
Examples of approved combinations on colours on text and background
Illustration of different kinds of approved combinations of text and background colour
Examples of approved combinations on colours on text and background

Font sizes

As a general guideline, we have defined font sizes that should cover most needs for both short and long texts. You can adjust the font sizes a bit up and down if needed.

  • Heading (large) = 125 px/115%
  • Heading (small) = 90 px/115%
  • Body (large) = 70 px/115%
  • Body (small) = 45 px/120%


Swiss 721 is UiO's main font and should be used if possible. If you do not have Swiss 721 available, you can use Arial. 

Eksempler på poster med de to profilfontrnr
Examples using the profile fonts Swiss 721 and Arial

Adjustment of text and margins

  • All text elements on images must be placed to the left. Exceptions are subtitles in videos, which may be centred. 
  • Content tags should as a rule be placed in the top.
  • Headlines and subtitles should as a rule be placed in the bottom.
  • Body text should as a main ruled be placed at the bottom, but can be placed anywhere along the Y-axis where it makes the most sense.
  • There should be margins of 75 pixels on all sides.
Illustration of correct adjustment of margins
Illustrations of correct placement of content tags, title, subtitle, body text and margins.

Grids for different formats

The general design principles should be used in all social media surfaces, and here we illustrate how the principles apply to different standard formats.

Examples of grids in different formats
Grids for formats 1:1, 4:5, 16:9 and 9:16 with white font on a black textbox background
Examples of grids in different formats
Grids for the formats 1:1, 4:5, 16:9 og 9:16 with black font directly on the main background.

Reels and safety zones on Instagram

For text to be shown properly in reels, it must be placed within the safety zone:

  • top margin = 220px
  • bottom margin = 420px

For text to be shown in thumbnails, it must be placed within the safe zone. The safe zone is 1080x1080px and must be centred vertically.

  • Top margin = 220px
  • Bottom margin = 420px
Safe zone
Illustration of the safe zone in Instagram reels and thumbnail

Dividing of surfaces

Surfaces can be divided in the middle, either by use of a contrast colour or an image. On vertical formats, the surface should be split at approximately 1/3.

Examples of divided surfaces with text and image on top på midtdeling av flater med henholdsvis bare tekst og bilde

Video and final poster

Guidelines for text on videos and final posters are described on the page about design elements for videos.

Variations in layout and expression

The following examples illustrate different options for variations in layout based on the design principles.

Illustrasjon som viser hvit tekst på svart bakgrunn med hvit font
 Heading and subtitle in white font in a black text box.
Illustrasjon som viser variasjonsmuligheter i layout for sosiale medier-poster
Heading and subtitle in black font on coloured background.
Illustrasjon som viser variasjonsmuligheter i layout for sosiale medier-poster
Text paragraph in black font on coloured background
Illustrasjon som viser variasjonsmuligheter i layout for sosiale medier-poster
Image on top and heading/subheading in black font on coloured background.
Illustrasjon som viser variasjonsmuligheter i layout for sosiale medier-poster
Image on top and heading/subheading in white font in black text box.
Illustrasjon som viser variasjonsmuligheter i layout for sosiale medier-poster
Image on top and text paragraph with black font on coloured background.
Illustrasjon som viser variasjonsmuligheter i layout for sosiale medier-poster
Full image as background with heading/subheading on coloured text boxes.
Illustrasjon som viser variasjonsmuligheter i layout for sosiale medier-poster
Full image as background with title/subtitle on a black text box.
Illustrasjon som viser variasjonsmuligheter i layout for sosiale medier-poster
Full image as background with title/subtitle in white font directly on image.
Illustrasjon som viser variasjonsmuligheter i layout for sosiale medier-poster
Divided formats with heading on top and text paragraph below.
Illustrasjon som viser variasjonsmuligheter i layout for sosiale medier-poster
One-colour surface with heading/brief message.


Illustrasjon showing different uses of text in social media posts
Examples showing different possibilities for use of text
Illustrasjon showing examples of stories from UiO
Examples showing possibilities for variations in stories
illustration of different options for variations in social media posts
Examples of possibilities for variation in posts

Ready-made templates for Photoshop and Adobe Express

We have created ready-made templates for Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Express that can be used for different types of social media content.

The templates are developed to facilitate a unified expression and strong identity across UiO's channels, while also making it easier to be creative and to adapt content to different channels.

If you'd like to use the templates, contact us at

If you use other tools, such as Premiere or Canva, we recommend creating an equivalent template in these. You find a summary of guidelines for setup of posts above.

Using the design manual directly in apps

For some tools, for example stories on Instagram, it can often be convenient to create content directly in the app.

  1. Open story-mode, and start with a blank canvas.
  2. Transfer an image of UiO's colour palette to the image gallery on your phone, and paste the image in story-mode.
  3. Eye-drop the wanted background colour from the palette.
  4. Press and hold on the story-background until the colour you have selected replaces the original background colour.
  5. Start creating a tag by writing text and choosing either black or white as text box coloir
  6. Write in the desired text and choose the app's standard Sans Serif alternativ.
  7. Scale and adjust the text.
  8. If necessary, copy and paste image in story mode.
  9. Adjust and place the elements.
  10. Left align the text elements.

Illustration of how you can use UiO's graphic profile in Instagram reels

See also

Published Apr. 20, 2023 10:16 AM - Last modified Apr. 20, 2023 1:12 PM