Circle U. Café Oslo: How to prepare for the next pandemic?

The COVID-19 pandemic has infected at least 500 million people and killed more than six million. How can we learn from these events and develop a complete pandemic preparedness and response system? What role can universities and university alliances play?

An illustration from the foyer of Georg Sverdrups hus with Circle U. Cafe written on it

What is Circle U. and Circle U. Café?

Circle U. is our European University Alliance, and your chance to cooperate with colleagues all over Europe. Circle U. Café is our meeting place at UiO and takes place at Scene HumSam in Georg Sverdrups hus. At Circle U. Café we discuss topics relevant for European higher education and research.

How to prepare for the next pandemic?

The COVID-19 pandemic has infected at least 500 million people and killed more than six million. But it is also the worst combined health and socioeconomic crisis in living memory. The pandemic has exposed deep inequalities between and within countries and struck particularly hard on people who are already marginalized and disadvantaged. How can we learn from these events and develop a complete pandemic preparedness and response system on which citizens can rely to keep them safe and healthy? What role can universities and university alliances play?


14:00 Coffee
14:15 Welcome
Bjørn Stensaker, Vice rector for Education, University of Oslo

COVID-19: Make it the Last Pandemic
Right Honourable Helen Clark

14:40 An evidence-based quest to protect human health
Associate Professor Helena Legido-Quigley, Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health

How to prepare for the next pandemic?

Panel debate:

Panel chairs:

  • Eivind Engebretsen, Academic Chair of Global Health, Circle U. and Executive Chairman of Centre for Sustainable Healthcare Education, UiO
  • Sine Grude, student, Faculty of Medicine
15:50 Closing remarks by Bjørn Stensaker
Published May 16, 2022 2:36 PM - Last modified June 9, 2022 8:54 AM