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UiO employees' sideline jobs - now published and publicly available

On February 1, 2019, the register of employees' sideline jobs and owner interests was published and made publicly available on the UiO website.

In line with the Norwegian Publicity Act and the principle of publicity in the state, it has always been possible to request access to employees' sideline jobs and owner interests.

What is new now is that information about employees' sideline jobs and owner interests is open to the public on UiO's website.

Portrett av rektor Svein Stølen.
Rector Svein Stølen is concerned about society's confidence in research carried out at UiO.  Photo: UiO/Morten Kanne-Hansen.

Important that society has confidence in the research

- It is important that society has confidence in research, in universities, and in UiO in particular. That is why we want openness about the UiO researchers' sideline jobs and owner interests. Now anyone who is interested can look into our cards and consider whether there are affiliations that can influence the research results that are presented. It is about the University's integrity, says Rector Svein Stølen at the University of Oslo.  

UiO has long planned an open register

A publicly accessible register for the entire UiO has been a wish for a long.

The Faculty of Law has had an openly accessible register since 2010. 

About UiO's sideline jobs and owner interests register

  • The purpose is to help strengthen confidence that there are no conflicts of loyalty or interest in the administration.
  • It is open and publicly available on the UiO website.
  • It shows the employee's approved sideline jobs and ownership interests.

But a publicly available register for UiO was paused in anticipation of a new electronic solution for registration and processing of sideline jobs and owner interests. That work has taken longer than expected to finish.

Quality assurance of data and revised regulations

The technical solution in the HR portal was completed and launched in March, 2018, and the implementation of the new electronic registration solution has been ongoing in collaboration with the faculties and museums since May, 2018.

An important part in the implementation process has been the review and quality assurance of already registered sideline jobs and owner interests.

UiO has also revised its regulations on sideline jobs and owner interests at the University of Oslo and pertaining guide lines.

Several courses have been held for managers at UiO with the main focus on changes in the regulations.

- We are concerned that we share the same view of openness about any affiliations across the entire UiO. This inspires confidence in our research. That is why this is an important issue for us, Stølen emphasizes.

portrtett av Irene Sandlie, personaldirektør ved UiO.
Irene Sandlie, Director of Personnel at UiO, is pleased that the new sideline jobs and owner interests register is published and publicly available on the UiO website.(Foto: UiO/Anders Lien)

User-friendly and clear register

- The implementation was completed at the turn of the year, and we have now got a good system for registering and processing sideline jobs and owner interests and a user-friendly and clear electronic register," says Director of Personnel Irene Sandlie at UiO.

Sandlie emphasizes that UiO, as an employer, is positive that employees have sideline jobs and owner interests.

She is pleased that the register is now open and accessible to everyone, in line with the principle of transparency in academia.  

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Published Feb. 4, 2019 9:15 AM - Last modified Feb. 4, 2019 9:15 AM