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Infection control measures are repealed

Social distancing is done for. Reading rooms and pubs can be filled up. Colleagues will again meet at work. As of 4 pm Saturday 25 September, the vast majority of national infection control measures will be removed.

Image may contain: Jeans, Plant, Shorts, Green, Tree.

Students close together - no more social distancing. Photo: Jarli & Jordan

– We would like to welcome students and staff back to campus at the University of Oslo, says Rector Svein Stølen.

Reading rooms and pubs can be filled up

Reading rooms can work at full capacity again, though the system for reserving seats will be in place until further notice.

– We have received positive feedback from students that they appreciate the predictability of reserving seats, and so we will not change that, says Stølen.

He informs that there will still be a mixture of physical and digital teaching, but that the faculties are facilitating for physical education as much as possible.

The restrictions for sports, events, volunteering, pubs and cellars will also end as of Saturday 25 September at 4 pm.

– We are delighted that student volunteering can finally be allowed to flourish at full capacity. It is important for the students, says Stølen.

Stay at home if you are sick

Health authorities are asking people with symptoms of a respiratory infection or other illness to stay at home. People infected with Covid-19 must not come to physical teaching or to work at UiO. Distribution of self-tests will be phased out in week 39.

Primary workplace on UiO premises

– We are now re-entering an everyday life where the primary workplace is on the university premises, says Stølen.

Working from home on a more sporadic basis can be agreed between line manager and employee. In special cases where it is relevant to work from home more regularly and over a longer period of time, this must be agreed in writing between the manager and the employee, in line with the guidelines for teleworking.


Published Sep. 24, 2021 4:31 PM - Last modified Sep. 24, 2021 4:44 PM