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Prestigious grants to UiO

Noëlle Streeton at the Faculty of Humanities and Victor Greiff at the Faculty of Medicine have received ERC Consolidator Grants from the European Research Council.

Portraits of Victor Greiff and Noëlle Streeton

Victor Greiff and Noëlle Streeton have received research grants from the European Research Council. Photo: UiO and Tom Garretson

The ERC Consolidator Grant is a research grant awarded to researchers who have shown potential to become leaders in their field. UiO received a total of twenty-four applications for this year's ERC Consolidator Grant call, and ERC granted two of the projects.

Noëlle Streeton at the Faculty of Humanities has received funding for the project "The Survival of Damaged Medieval Polychromed Heritage in the Nordics". The project aims to provide us with a better understanding of cultural objects that may be ugly, deformed and fragmented.

Read more (In Norwegian): - Damaged objects can tell us an important story, says Professor of Conservation Noëlle Streeton.

Victor Greiff at the Faculty of Medicine has received funding for the project "Learning the interaction rules of antibody-antigen binding". He will attempt to understand how antibodies bind to antigens, and how this knowledge can be used to develop effective antibodies and vaccines.

- This funding gives me the opportunity to finally work on my dream project, which is to understand antibody binding, says a delighted Victor Greiff.

Read more (In Norwegian): "This grant gives me the opportunity to finally work on my dream project, which is to understand antibody binding," says Associate Professor Victor Greiff.

About Horizon Europe and ERC Consolidator Grants

ERC Consolidator Grants are awarded to researchers who obtained their PhD seven to twelve years ago. ERC Consolidator Grants are part of Horizon Europe's Pillar I, "Excellent Science," and consist of grants of up to two million euros for a period of five years.

By November 2023, UiO had submitted approximately 830 applications to Horizon Europe, and ERC had approved more than 140 projects. The majority of the projects, 96, are within "Excellent Science." All in all, UiO's grants in Horizon Europe amount to around 1 billion Norwegian kroner.

Published Nov. 23, 2023 2:31 PM - Last modified Nov. 29, 2023 1:06 PM