The Nobel Peace Prize Forum 2023

This year’s Forum will focus on the fight for human rights and democracy in Iran, with an emphasis on the situation for women.

Image may contain: Hair, Head, Eye, Font, Art.

The goal of the Forum is to give the audience the opportunity to learn more about the situation Iranians are facing in their daily lives, especially women, and how the rest of the world can contribute to solving the problems both within Iran and in the region.


  • Shirin Ebadi, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, 2003
  • Agnès Callamard, Secretary General of Amnesty International
  • Masud Gharahkhani, President of the Norwegian Parliament
  • Marjane Satrapi, Oscar nominated Film Director, painter and Cartoonist.
  • Nazanin Boniadi, Actress and Activist
  • Mehrdad Darvishpour, Activist and Sociologist
  • Elahe Tavakolian, Exiled Activist
  • Shima Babaei, Exiled Activist
  • Olav Njølstad, Director of the Norwegian Nobel Institute

Erik Aasheim will be moderating.

See the full program here.


Buy tickets


Facilitation during visits:

If you need an elevator or other form of facilitation when visiting us, please call this number when you arrive: 90 13 17 55.


Important! Due to the art, it is not allowed to bring food and drinks into the Aula. We also ask that you hang your outerwear in the cloakroom. Therefore, please arrive well in advance before the event starts.

Om Oslo Peace Days

Oslo kommune, Nobels Fredssenter, Det Norske Nobelinstitutt, PRIO og Universitetet i Oslo jobber med fred og menneskerettigheter på ulike måter.

Hver desember slår vi oss sammen og arrangerer Oslo Peace Days, en arena der alle inviteres til å diskutere og lære mer om disse viktige temaene.

Se fullt program for Oslo Peace Days 2023

Published Dec. 4, 2023 3:32 PM - Last modified Jan. 30, 2024 7:48 AM