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Academic Freedom and Democracy

Why is academic freedom so important for democracy, and how can we strengthen academic freedom in Europe?

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Honorary doctor Sjur Bergan. Photo: The Council of Europe

UiO's Honorary Doctor Sjur Bergan has been a driving force for over 30 years, contributing groundbreaking work to help us better understand the interplay between academic freedom and the conditions necessary for viable democratic societies. Today, this interplay is more important than ever.

The seminar opens with a broader European perspective on academic freedom, where the conditions for, and initiatives to protect this freedom will be illuminated through brief lectures by Prof. Peter Maassen (UiO) and Jan Palmowski, Secretary-General, The Guild.

Two different panels will then discuss the potential consequences of international developments for policy and practice in this field. The first panel focuses on how vital academic freedom is for general societal development and democracy at large.

The second panel will then reflect on how the protection of academic freedom can be strengthened in Norway, Europe, and globally.

Honorary Doctor Sjur Bergan will provide a concluding remark at the seminar.


  • Welcome and Introduction by Pro-Rector Åse Gornitzka
  • Short introduction by Dr. Sjur Bergan, Council of Europe
  • Presentation by Professor Peter Maassen, Department of Education, UiO

  • Presentation by Jan Palmowski, Secretary-General, The Guild

  • How important is academic freedom to democracy?
    • Professor Cathrine Holst, Department of Philosophy, Classics, History of Art and Ideas, UiO

    • Director General Kenneth Ruud, Norwegian Defence Research Establishment

    • Dr. Sjur Bergan, Council of Europe

  • How to ensure and protect academic freedom?
    • Pro-Rector Åse Gornitzka, UiO

    • Professor Hans Petter Graver, Department of Private Law, UiO

    • Professor Heidi Østbø Haugen, Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages, UiO

    • State Secretary Ivar B. Prestbakmo, Ministry of Education and Research

  • Closing remarks by Dr. Sjur Bergan, Council of Europe

    Moderator: Ingeborg Misje Bergem, Ideas and Debate Editor, Morgenbladet


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Published Aug. 30, 2024 9:47 AM - Last modified Aug. 30, 2024 10:37 AM