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Rectorial debate 2017: Who should lead the University?

Welcome to the first debate between this year's rectorial candidates. This might be the day you decide who you think should head our university.

Left: Pro-Rector candidate Gro Bjørnerud Mo and Rector candidate Svein Stølen. Right: Rector candidate Hans Petter Graver and Pro-Rector candidate Inger Sandlie. Photo: © UiO/Anders Lien

The debate will be led by political commentator Aslak Bonde followed by a questions and answers session.

Rector candidate Hans Petter Graver

– Recent political developments have made it more important for me to help defend UiO’s and academia’s position. I have extensive leadership experience and my interdisciplinary background is worthy of note.

– I enjoy getting people to work together and am inspired by processes that help staff and students at UiO to flourish, says Hans Petter Graver.

Get to know Hans Petter Graver and his team

Rector candidate Svein Stølen

– I am very fond of UiO, both its people and the community it represents, and our role in society. I am particularly concerned with the improvement potential in the fields of education, human resource policy and interdisciplinarity.

– As a leader I will have my feet on the ground and be concerned with concrete action, and I believe that as head of department and Vice-Dean at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, I have demonstrated that I can chart a direction and get things done, says Svein Stølen.

Get to know Svein Stølen and his team

Rectorial elections 2017

Published Jan. 11, 2017 12:47 PM - Last modified Oct. 2, 2020 2:43 PM