Norwegian version of this page

Sideline jobs and owner interests of staff at the Faculty of Theology

Here you find an overview of approved sideline jobs and owner interests of people with an active employment relationship to the Faculty of Theology, University of Oslo. The overview does not include tasks or duties that according to current legislation are exempt from public access.

Information for staff: Registration of sideline jobs and owner interests

The overview is sorted alphabetically. You can sort the list by other values in ascending or descending order by clicking on the column header. For example, click the table heading «Employed at» to sort the list by location code in ascending order. Click the headline again to sort in descending order. The «Scope» column indicates assumed activity as a percentage of a man-year.
Name Employed at Organization Nature of the work Start date Scope
Bokedal, Johanna Maria Fagseksjonen Høgskolelektor i religionsvitenskap (10%) 10% fortsatt arbete för NLA Høgskolen innebär att jag behåller en administrativ roll som studieprogramansvarig för årsstudiet i KRLE som går digitalt, och därmed kan skötas på distans. Det är också möjligt att jag någon gång undervisar i Bergen eller Oslo 2024-04-01 0
Kotva, Simone Fagseksjonen Affiliated lecturer; examiner Affiliert foreleser; sensor. MPhil i teologi, religion og filosofi om religion. 2024-05-06 0
Vinther, Ole Fagseksjonen Thisted Bykirke Prest (10%) 2023-09-01 0
Name Employed at Organization Nature of the work Start date Scope
Mjaaland, Marius Fagseksjonen Mjaaland Media Tilbyr foredrag for næringslivet, bedrifter og organisasjoner, samt faglitterær og skjønnlitterær forfattervirksomhet. 2018-08-01