Norwegian version of this page

New at the Department of Political Science

The first week Contact person or information page  
Read "New at UiO" Web page General information about UiO
Office key You pick up your key at office 738  (Tone Vevatne)  
Employee ID card Made while you wait on campus at the SiO Card Centre Works as entrance card and library card
User name/password, e-mail address   
General IT support, buying a computer  
Your personal presentation page It is your own responsibility to edit the page How to edit your profile page - For employees - University of Oslo ( Contact our reception if you need help

Remember to keep the page updated 



Log into the self-service portal and check your  «user profile»
  • Make sure to register your holidays and leaves of absence
  • Travel expenses and reimbursement claims
  • Note! Academic staff are not to register their working hours
Door sign Reception  
Teaching obligations  Credit hours for teaching  
Mandatory GDPR course

During your first month of employment you must pass an online course in GDPR (takes 2 - 3 hours).

GDPR e-learning course (SV) - For employees - University of Oslo (

Moving costs The Department covers moving costs up till NOK 30 000. If you are using a moving agency

you must be able to document that you have acquired an offer from three different moving companies. (This in order to comply with the rules and regulations for proqurements at UiO)

Research funds (driftsmidler) Read more: Use of Research funds at the Department of Political Science  
Travel Travel is to be booked through the UiO travel agency Berg-Hansen: Travel - For employees  
Procurements Procurements - For employees All procurement, with the exception of books and travel, must be undertaken by your purchasing officer through the UiO procurement system
Invoice Invoices should always be sent electronically to the Central Invoicing Unit. Read more: Invoice: address and marking  Invoices must be marked with your name and the unit code 17350000.
Who does what    

Elin Haugsgjerd Allern

Head of Department

Tobias Bach

Deputy Head of Department/ Head of Research

Robert Huseby

Head of Education

Jostein Askim

(temporary, from 01.01.2024 to 31.07.2024)

Head of the PhD program
Ida Weseth Bjøru Administrative Head of Department
 Linda Gulli and Christian Lehne Research Advisers , 

Gerd Merete (Gemma) Knutsmoen HR Officer
Student Advisers

Who does what?

Security Operation Centre (228) 56 666 UiO Emergency Phone (228) 55 007 Duty phone (if locked in building/problems With key card readers)
Other practical info    
Cristin All publications must be registered in the  CRISTIN database  
Norwegian language courses The Department covers the fee if you wish to attend UiOs Norwegian language courses  
Post Reception Mail is picked up at 10:00 every day and delivered at 12:00
Published Dec. 8, 2016 4:48 PM - Last modified Apr. 24, 2024 11:37 AM