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Position seniority

Some position codes provide automatic seniority promotion based on position seniority. Which position codes this applies to are defined in the Basic Collective Agreement. 

  • Position seniority is calculated from the 1st in the month you start in the position. 
  • When you are employed in an new position, or promoted to a different position code, the seniority is set to 0 years. 
  • There are three seniority tracks: 
    • Short track will give 1,1 % annual increase for 10 years
    • Long track will give 1,1 % annual increase for 10 years, then 0,55 % for the next 6 years
    • Doctoral research fellows/PhD candidates (position code 1017/1476) are given 3 % annual increase for up to 4 years. 
  • Read more about the Institutional salary policy at UiO
Published Mar. 23, 2010 9:35 AM - Last modified Jan. 10, 2023 9:19 AM