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Criteria for allocating research and educational leave at UiO

  • In order to grant your application, you must provide a satisfactory plan for the replacement of your teaching duties. Allocation is dependent on a satisfactory temporary staffing scheme being established and financed.
  • An applicant who, without valid reasons (e.g. illness), has failed to fulfill his or her teaching duties, may be denied a research and educational leave or asked to participate in certain competence development courses.
  • If there is need for a prioritization of applicants, emphasis shall be placed on the following:
    • Earned seniority (cf. item 4)
    • The submitted plans for the work
    • Previous research efforts
    • Special efforts in teaching
    • Supervision or other activities not covered by item 4
    • Particularly burdensome care work
    • Women’s opportunities to qualify for top positions
  • In assessment, further consideration shall be given to the work situation at the individual unit and to any previous research terms with other substitute funding than the university’s.
  • The department should seek to avoid interrupting supervision relationships with postgraduate students or doctoral candidates, or ensure that the supervision tasks can be transferred so that the affected students/candidates do not suffer any harm.
  • If two applicants are approximately equal after an overall assessment based on seniority and professional and work-related criteria, a female applicant shall take precedence over a male applicant.
  • Any rejection of an application for a research and educational leave may be appealed to a higher level.

Supplementary regulations for the Faculty of Social Sciences

  • Newly appointed female associate professors from departments with special challenges in relation to gender balance in professorships earn the right to apply for a 12-month research and educational leave after three years (thereafter normal earnings), cf. the faculty’s action plan for gender equality (PDF).
Published Sep. 1, 2020 1:49 PM - Last modified Oct. 21, 2020 9:35 AM