How to apply for, negotiate and manage Horizon Europe projects

Here you will find information about all stages of a Horizon Europe projects' life cycle, from before the call is opened to the project is completed.



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1. How to get started

Before you start applying, you need background information about funding opportunities and instruments, and where to find it. Learn more about how to find your way to the funding instruments and different approaches to enhancing your chances of success.

2. The application process

When you have learned to know the relevant funding instruments and call, it is time to start the actual application process. This section offers information about the process, including application templates for some of the most relevant funding instruments and how to budget your EU project.

3. Negotiating EU projects

When your application has succeeded and you are granted funding, the project enters the contractual phase. Find information about the process, contractual templates and how to proceed.


4. Managing EU projects

Once a project starts running, the host department is responsible for management of the project. Find out more about employment, reporting, audits and other aspects of project management.

European Research Council at UiO

For specific procedures regarding European Research Council at UiO, please consult these page

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions at UiO

For specific procedures regarding Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions at UiO, please consult these pages