Apply for External Research Funding

External funding is money coming in from outside the University. This can fund large-scale projects, events, scholarships, networking, research travels abroad, article writing and more.

Who can apply?

Everyone, depending on what you apply for.

Most large funding opportunities -- such as for research projects which span several years -- are for researchers with a completed PhD. PhD candidates can apply for various scholarships, event support, research travel, etc. Some calls, such as the RCN Mobility Projects, are specifically aimed at junior level researchers.

Make sure you have time. Professors have free research time, and can also be "bought out" of their teaching duties. Researchers on time-limited contracts do not necessarily have the same opportunities. For example: A PhD candidate funded by an externally financed project is paid to spend 100% of their time on said project. Additional external funding must not be in conflict with this. If in doubt, always consult with your project manager, your mentor and/or the research adviser.

Help and support from IMV

Found an interesting call? Start by contacting IMV’s research adviser Malene Bøyum. Discussing with academic colleagues is also recommended.

IMV’s research adviser will assist with all* funding applications.

*Researchers affiliated with RITMO should contact RITMO's research adviser, Marit Johanne Furunes for non-EU funding applications.

Admin support may include:

  • interpreting calls & contact with funder
  • guidance on UiO and departmental rules
  • project design consultation and application development support
  • budgeting
  • contact with prospective partners (esp. concerning financial issues)
  • feedback on proposal
  • project management assistance from funding to final reporting


Some calls show up sporadically, others have annual deadlines. Regardless of call type you must always notify IMV in advance, and get approval. This is because the University is legally and financially responsible for your project.

Below you will find IMV's general timelines for the process of applying for external funding. RITMO affliated researchers should follow RITMO routines.

Timeline for Large Projects (1+ years, incl. new positions and/or buy-out)

* = Compulsory

What Responsible When
* Notify IMV Head of Research and the Research Adviser that you intend to apply PI (Principal Investigator) 6-9 months before  deadline
Administrative assistance: The Research Adviser and Project Controller will get in touch regarding budgeting and other admin support Research Adviser 3-4 months before  deadline
* Submit 1st draft of proposal and budget to the Research Adviser and Head of Research PI 2 months before  deadline
Receive feedback Research Adviser 6 weeks before deadline
* Submit final application draft and updated budget to Research Adviser and Head of Research (will be subject to approval by IMV) PI 4 weeks before  deadline
* Submit application draft to Head of IMV for final review of thematic relevance and description of the centre PI 3 weeks before  deadline
Receive final approval on budget and thematic relevance Head of IMV 2 weeks before  deadline
Finalize application and submit PI Until deadline

Timeline for Small Projects (0-1 year, incl. mostly operational costs)


What Responsible When
* Notify the Head of Research and the Research Adviser that you intend to apply PI 3-4 weeks before deadline
* Set up budget in cooperation with Research Adviser and Project Controller, submit to Head of IMV for approval PI 3 weeks before deadline
Control of budget, salary, overhead -- give feedback to applicant Head of IMV 2 weeks before deadline
Finalize and submit application PI Until deadline

IMV deadlines for FRIPRO applications

In connection with FRIPRO's transition to running allocations, we have decided to set internal deadlines to ensure better follow-up of researchers who want to apply to FRIPRO. The deadlines are as follows:

Semester Deadline to express interest in applying Deadline to submit the application
Spring March 1 September 1
Fall June 1 December 1

Please notify IMV's research adviser Malene Bøyum and head of research Peter Edwards if you intend to apply. 

Calls for Large Projects

Ready for the next step in your academic career? Choose your level to find relevant calls.

Calls for Small Projects

Looking to fund a workshop, join a network, or boost your CV through a small side-project?