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Quality assurance and approval

Superusers and managers in a unit are responsible for quality assurance and approval of the data following registration.

Once the deadline for registration has expired, the data must be quality assured and approved according to the approval procedure for superusers and managers in a unit. Superusers at the research units will verify all of the publications in which researchers include the department in their author affiliation. All Cristin entries must be checked against the original publication (online or printed version). This includes checking all metadata, with an emphasis on the categorization, year of publication and the author's affiliation. The head of department will then approve the unit's entries for reporting.


If in doubt about how a publication should be categorized (e.g. as an academic monograph or textbook), contact the head of department or other person responsible for the unit. If the problem is of a technical nature (e.g. the year of publication or ambiguities concerning other metadata), this can be resolved by Cristin superusers. Contact the departmental/faculty superuser, or UiO’s superuser in the Education and Research Management Office (FFO) at the Department of Research Administration.

If institutions cannot agree on joint entries, a "dispute" arises in Cristin. In such cases, FFO will contact the other institution in order to clarify the cause of the dispute. If the parties still cannot reach an agreement, FFO will forward the matter to the national dispute resolution body.

Published Nov. 19, 2015 1:21 PM - Last modified Aug. 15, 2021 3:01 PM