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For project leaders at the Department of Mathematics

A list of things to remember for project leaders. If you need help, do not hesitate to contact us!

Before the project starts

Contracts and collaboration agreements

Before the project can start (and we can start spending money), we need to make and sign all contracts and agreements. A contract with the funder is needed for all projects, and in addition we often need to draft collaboration agreements with project partners. The research adviser will help you with this.


While we are working on contracts and agreements, we need to revise the budget that we made in the proposal. It will often need minor adjustments before the project starts. When the budget is don, the financial officers will help us to establish an account for the project in the UiO accounting system. This account will take care of the projects finances, both costs and incoming funds.

Web page

Most projects have a web page. This is usually a requirement from the funder. Here is a list of the ongoing projects at the Department of Mathematics. Contact the department's web master to get help setting ut a web page. 

Start-up meeting

Before the project starts, the research adviser well organize a start-up meeting. Who will participate in this meeting depends on the character of your project. Possible participants may be the Head of office, financial officer, HR-consultants etc. in addition to the project leader and other key participants in the project. In this meeting the project leader can introduce the project to the administration and we can resolve all practical questions before the project starts.

Data management plan

Most funders require that the project has a data management plan (DMP). Read more about what a DMP is and how you make one.

During the project period

Make a list - keep an overview

To report on the project, we need an overview of what has happened in the project. Who has traveled where, talking about what, who has visited and given seminars, what publications have been submitted etc etc. We recommend that the project leader keep two updated lists throughout the project period. One list over activities and one list of project spending. This will make it much easier to report and keep an overview while the project is running. 


In most projects, someone is hired. Most often PhDs and postdocs. At the start of the project we make a list of project hirings with start dates for every position, and any deviations from this plan have to be cleared with the funder of the project. The Head of Office will administer the hiring process (call text, composition of hiring comittee etc). When hiring, the project leader and the members of the committee must read up on rules and regulations and seek the support of the appointments committee. Remember to keep the research adviser updated on deviations in the hiring plan so we can inform the funder. 

Hosting conferences, meetings and receiving guests

If you are hosting a conference or a workshop, remember to start planning early. Take a look at the UiO's web pages regarding support for hosting events. The conference web page must be hosted by the UiO web site (not on other servers). Feel free to contact the research adviser or the Head of Office to ask for help to find out what is possible and what rules apply. 

The reception at the Department of Mathematics can help with ordering food, hotels for guests etc.

Read more about travel for UiO employees here

Reporting and yearly project meetings

Most funders will require periodic reports during the project period. It is also important that we go through the financial and administrative sides of the project at regular intervals. The research adviser will organise yearly meeting to go through these parts of the project. If you want such meetings more often, just ask.

Address and "thank you" on publications

Remember to use UiO affiliation on all publications. You can read more about affiliation on publications here. In addition most funders require that you acknowledge the funder in the publication. Here is an example of such an acknowledgement (ERC - Horizon 2020). Remember to check the contract from your funder if they require a spesific text:

This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement n° xxxx"

Ask the department Cristin superuser if you have questions.

Registering publications

All publications related to the project must be registered in Cristin, and a full text version of the publication must be uploaded there. (This is a requirement from most funders).  Read more about Cristin and how to register and upload. Ask the department Cristin superuser if you have questions.

Open access

Most funders require that all project publications are openly accessible. Read more aDe fleste finansiører har krav om at forskningen som kommer ut av prosjektet er åpent tilgjengelig. Read more about this on the University Library web pages

What happens when everything does not go to plan?

Few projects go as planned. If anything happens that you need help with, do not hesitate to contact us. The administration at the Department have lots of experience with project administration and will almost always be able to help finding a solution to the problem.

Ending the project


Most funders will require a final report containing both financial and scientific information about the project. The deadline for the final report is usually 30 - 60 days after the project ends. The final report is made in cooperation between the administration and project leader, so we cover all parts of the reporting.

Financial ending of the project

When the final report has been submitted and approved, the project economy will be reviewed and the project account in the university accountingsystem closed. It is therefore important that all invoices and travel reimbursements are submitted as soon as possible when the project ends.

... and then what? 

Before the project ends, think through: Is there anything we can take with us from this project? Can it lay the foundation for new networks, new applications, new activity? As usual - contact the research advisor to discuss options and possibilities.

Published May 23, 2023 1:42 PM - Last modified Aug. 1, 2023 10:18 AM