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Physical oral examination and masterpresentation

MN recommends that you complete a digital oral exam and master presentation without physical attendance. Digital oral examination and master's presentation provide predictability for the student and can also be completed by students within the risk group.

If you still want to complete a physical oral exam / master presentation, contact your head of education. The head of education and the department must ensure that there are premises and staff resources that ensure that such an examination is carried out in accordance with current covid-19 control rules.

Students in the risk group

Oral examination

If you conduct a physical oral exam, there may be students in the risk group who cannot attend the exam. One solution may be to hold a physical oral exam first, and then examine any students in the risk group digitally afterwards. See instructions for how to complete the digital oral exam. If both the examiner and the examiner want to be in the same room during the digital examination, you can use a room with a conference microphone and camera. Contact the IT service at the department for an overview of such rooms.

Master presentation

For students in the risk group who are to complete an oral master presentation, we recommend a digital oral master presentation.

Published Mar. 22, 2021 1:01 PM - Last modified Mar. 22, 2021 1:17 PM