Norwegian version of this page

Practical guidelines for the language requirement

The main working language of employees in permanent academic positions is Norwegian. To ensure that all employees can participate in the workings of our faculty it is important to have clear expectations for  language skills and means for facilitating language learning.

Expectations for the employee

If you are not fluent in a Scandinavian language, you are expected to learn Norwegian equivalent to B2 (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​(CEFR) within two years. Within three years, you should be able to actively participate in all functions that the employment requires, including teaching. You and your leader will jointly make a follow-up plan for language learning to achieve this goal.

UiO's language policy: parallel lingualism

UiO's language policy guidelines state that the institution shall promote so-called parallel lingualism (parallellspråklighet), which means that Norwegian is maintained as the main language at the same time as it is facilitated for linguistic diversity, where English is the primary foreign language.

At the same time, it is an overriding goal of the language policy at the university that it should be designed in such a way that it safeguards and develops the use of the Norwegian language and academic terminology.

Norwegian is the main teaching language. Foreign students and staff should therefore be offered an introduction to the Norwegian language.

Language requirements at HF

The Faculty of Humanities has a language requirement for all permanent academic staff, outlined in all job announcements and employment agreements, which consists of two steps:

Step 1: Pass a Bergen test with the result Passed (corresponds to level B2 in the Common European Framework for Languages) after two years of employment.

Step 2: Carry out teaching (or other relevant work assignments) in Norwegian after three years of employment.

Facilitation from HF

The Faculty of Humanities undertakes to make arrangements for the employee to be able to achieve these goals, through the following minimum requirements for facilitation, adopted by the Faculty Board:

1. The Departments will fund language training up to stage 3, or a pass- mark on the Bergen test (corresponding level B2 in the Common European Framework of Languages) for permanent academic employees who do not speak Norwegian at the time of employment.

2. The Departments will fund one language course for temporary academic staff who do not speak Norwegian at the time of employment.

3. The Departments make an individual plan in collaboration with the employee leading to a passed Bergen test.

4. The Departments make an individual follow-up plan and arrange for supervision, mentoring or tailor-made courses in the third year of employment (or after passing the Bergen test) with a view to teaching at least one course in Norwegian (or equivalent work assignments).

5. Hours used for organized language training shall be deducted from the compulsory work of up to 50 hours per semester for the first three years of the employment period. (The faculty reserves the right, with the intention intact, to change this wording if new guidelines and / or systems for the practice of compulsory labour are adopted.)

Furthermore, the Faculty Board decided that the following concrete measures shall be piloted and evaluated:

1. Toolbox for managers. The toolbox is under development and is considered in light of the overall work with integration and reception of international employees at the faculty.

2. Tailor-made Norwegian courses. These are being piloted by the faculty.

3. Professional and administrative mentoring. (Under development) 

4. Arenas for practical language learning. This is under development and is considered in light of the overall work with integration and reception of international employees. Additionally, this will be considered as soon as the pandemic allows it.

Published June 7, 2021 8:56 AM - Last modified Apr. 14, 2023 2:20 PM