fourMs Lab Meeting May 11


  • Introduction
    • Introduction of people (if necessary)
  • Logistics
    • Lab and Covid Status
  • fourMs Semester Schedule
    • Events
      • Next Lab Meeting: June 8 if needed
    • Spring Experiments 
      • Robotics/Interaction installation for RPPW
  • Data Management Status Update
    • hf-mocap data 
      • Status of moving to Felles
      • Find owner for all folders on drive
    • Documentation
      • Status of project documentation on Felles
      • DMP, metadata, NSD, etc
  • Group Discussion: Making progress with data management
    • What would aid in actually doing documentation?
    • Scheduled working time, regular check-ins, additional training, deadlines, prizes, etc

Meeting Minutes

  • Lab and Covid Status - unchanged
  • fourMs Semester Schedule
    • Events
      • Next Lab Meeting: June 8 if needed
    • Spring Experiments 
      • Robotics/Interaction installation for RPPW
      • Possible summer interns for Benedikte
  • Data Management Status Update
    • hf-mocap drive 
      • Added faculty name to all folders
      • Kayla will schedule separate meeting with Alexander, Anne, and Rolf Inge to discuss most of this data
      • All other users who have data on this folder are encouraged to meet with Kayla to organize a transfer
      • Most of the data in this folder does not have any readme or name associated with who owns it, is missing any information on what it is, and there is a variety of poor file and folder names including ones with people's names (personal info) or problem characters (+ . & etc)
        • Learning from this is good! Let's work together to keep the Felles drive full of good documentation practices
    • Documentation
      • Projects on Felles drive were assigned owners if needed and status of documentation was updated (Is the data in Durable drive? How is the Folder Structure and File Naming? Is DC Metadata filled out? Is there a DMP? Any information about NSD?)
      • Users to update their project folders with necessary docs. Kayla is available for check ins
  • Group Discussion: Making progress with data management
    • What would aid in actually doing documentation?
      • Email reminders biweekly are good (weekly is too frequent)
      • 1-on-1 really helpful for progress or planning both before and after
      • "Shut up and write" Open data management office hours would be helpful. Mondays 2x a month is appropriate
      • Deadlines are helpful for actually completing documentation (artificial or needing the data for publication)
    • Other:
      • Kayla and Anne to meet regarding transfer of hf-depot/TIME folder
      • Library is having workshops on data management
      • Important to do the documentation not just for GDPR and FAIR compliance but because it is a good idea
      • Open Science progress
        • Standstill Database has data on NSD as well as physionet
        • Takes a long time (think publishing a paper) but is worth the effort
      • Access to data for "alumni"
        • Still working on a permanent solution, know it is needed


Kayla Burnim
Published Jan. 15, 2021 9:22 AM - Last modified Nov. 14, 2023 1:59 PM