PI Meeting: RCN Project pitch

New applicants to the RCN FRIPRO call are invited to pitch their projects to the PI group.

Join on Zoom

The applicants have been asked to prepare the following for the pitch:

Present your topic, research question, methodology, and briefly the relevance for RITMO. We will have approximately 15-20 minutes per person, so please keep your presentation to 5 minutes to leave enough time for questions and suggestions from the group.



13:15 Welcome

13:20 Lara Pearson

13:40 Olivier Lartillot

14:00-14:15 Break

14:15 Ragnhild Torvanger Solberg

14:35 Laura Bishop



Published Jan. 22, 2024 8:35 AM - Last modified Jan. 30, 2024 12:51 PM