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News - Page 8

Published Sep. 26, 2016 2:55 PM

3D-printing of human tissue is no longer Science Fiction, it's a science fact. The Norwegian Center for Stem Cell Research launches The Neuron Factory, a platform that can produce human neurons for research purposes.

Published Oct. 22, 2015 5:28 PM

Increasing numbers of younger people are being admitted to hospital with heart attacks. Researchers are now hoping that more people will change their lifestyle if they know their own heart age.

Published Jan. 14, 2015 4:47 PM

Cheeses like the Norwegian “gammelost” and Roquefort may prevent weakening of bones when you are ill. New findings show that vitamin K2 protects the production of bone tissue during inflammations.

Published June 4, 2014 1:51 PM

Our cells eat themselves so that we can stay healthy. A detailed understanding of ‘autophagy’, our cells’ waste management system, may be the key to preventing diseases and extending our lives.