Tidy-Up Week

This years 'Tidy-Up Week' at the institute is set for week 42, that is from Monday 14 October to Friday 18 October.

You will find a more detailed program and practical information here.

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We hope that this will allow more of our employees to take advantage of the resources available, which will be made extra visible during this week and we ask all employees to spend some time tidying up their own affairs and common areas. Everyone should be prepared to make a contribution so that we get a tidy, safe and enjoyable working environment.

A collective effort is needed to achieve noticeable results and we all have a responsibility to contribute to an orderly and pleasant working environment.

Focus areas

Check up after chemical inventory organizing

There has been a tremendous effort at the institute in getting rid of outdated chemicals and registering all chemicals in the online chemical inventory system (EcoOnline). The deadline for finishing this work was 1st of September. We encourage all research groups that has laboratory facilities to use this week to systematically go through all their inventory to check that they have covered everything in their area of responsibility. 

Contact your laboratory adviser or HSE coordinator if you have questions or need assistance with this.

Tidying up in common areas

The institutes local working environment committee wants all employees and managers in particular to take initiative in sorting and cleaning common areas and hallways.

We also request that everyone checks on fire exits and removes any unnecessary obstructions as they potentially constitute a fire safety hazard.

Halt the spread of silverfish

A clean work environment is important for many reasons. A number of staff has reported the occurence of silverfish insects in several parts of the building. Please report any occurence to the Estate Department.

But by avoiding storage of cardboard boxes or other unnecesarry clutter on the floor you can help the cleaning department to access the areas where the silverfish might thrive. So help us control the spread of this pest by cleaning up your office and laboratory, organize your work place so that the cleaning staff has access.


Monday 14th - Friday 18th of October:

Recycling corner for disused equipment/furniture.

Where: Atrium, Domus Medica

Thursday 17th of October, from 12.00 - 12.45

Institute's annual HSE award ceremony (and according to tradition, soup will be served)

Where: Atrium, Domus Medica

Practical information

Paper waste containers will be placed out to all the Departments in the building.
Cardboard, glass/porcelain, polystyrene and other waste
Cardboard is to be placed in the designated compactor outside the Estate Departments offices on the lower floor. Containers for glass and porcelain can be found in the waste disposal area for hazardous waste. Polystyrene and other waste types (wood- and metalwork) is discarded into their designated waste containers outside of the
Estate Departments Offices. The containers are labeled according to waste type. In case of special emergency preparedness adapted to the amount of waste (eg. waste bins for paper for shredding), please contact the HSE coordinator.

Hazardous waste
See here for more information on the management of hazardous waste at the Institute.

EE waste
Computers for disposal or reuse are delivered to the IT department (telephone 22 85 12 00).

Other EE waste is delivered in the cages for electronic waste. The cages for electronic waste are labelled accordingly and can be found on the lower floor in the long hallway connecting the Atrium and the Estate Departments Offices. See here for more information on EE waste.

Furniture / heavy items
Do you have furniture or other large items that you wish to be discarded or that you need help with moving? Send photos / description to HSE coordinator and where you wish this moved / or if you want it delivered for discarding.

Equipment with recyclement potential can be placed directly in the Atrium at the designated area.

Old laboratory equipment
Not sure how to dispose of old lab equipment? Contact the HSE coordinator.

Other questions
If you have any other questions regarding Tidy-Up week, please contact the HSE coordinator.
Published Sep. 20, 2019 10:50 AM - Last modified Mar. 25, 2024 5:47 PM