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From Windows 7 to Windows 10

UiO are about to upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 10 and IMB have to reinstall all computers with Windows 7.

The IT-dep wants this to run as smoothly as possible for all of you so we need to cooperate with you all.

We are starting with office computers and then lab computers and laptops in the autumn.

Information for all users

This is what you need to do before we install Windows 10 on your computer

  1. Back up all important data! The hard drive on your computer will be deleted so you will need to backup all important data stored on local drives. The hard drives are usually called C: and D:. For instance, make sure that your EndNote library is stored at the M: drive
  2. Make a list of shared common drives that you use today. Shared common drives will not be automatically connected, so it is nice to have a list so that they can be reconnected quickly after Windows 10 is installed.
  3. Make a list of special programs you use that are installed on the computer. Standard software will be automatically installed, but special software must be installed manually after the Windows 10 upgrade.
  4. If you have software that is not provided by UiO then you need to check if it is compatible with Windows 10.
    If it is not compatible with Windows 10
    1. Can a compatible version of the software be purchased?
    2. Can you purchase another software that suits your needs?

This is what needs to be done after IT has installed Windows 10 on your computer

  1. Set up Outlook to read mail and calendar
  2. Connect to shared common drives
    Two ways to do this:
    1. Go to "This PC" -> Fellesomroder
      Find your department and double click on the drive you want to connect to. You will then get a link under "This PC" to the shared common drive.
  3. Install special software
    1. UiO offers a lot of software and almost all software from UiO is located at the Software Center
    2. For software not on the Software Center:
      Send email to and request admin access.
      REMEMBER to write the name of the computer (we changed the name when reinstalling with Windows 10), the name of the program you want to install and your user name.
  4. Remote Desktop from home 
    1. Send email to and request remote access.
      REMEMBER to write the name of the computer (we changed the name when reinstalling with Windows 10) and your user name.
    2. Create a new connection file on your home computer / laptop by following this guide carefully

Problems that may occur after reinstallation:

  1. Mail has disappeared from Outlook:
    There will be some latency after Outlook is set up before all email is loaded and searchable, please be more patient.
  2. Software has changed appearance; it can take some time to get comfortable with the new look.
  3. The shared common drives and / or personal research drives has not been connected.
    Follow the guide a little further up the page.


The search feature of Windows 10 is very good; press the Windows key and start typing and Windows will search for you in Applications, Files, Email and settings.
In Outlook (and other Microsoft Office programs) there is a help function that is quite good.

Information to group leaders

We have created a tentative schedule for the installation of Windows 10 at the departments at IMB. Please make sure that this schedule does not conflict with important deadlines and important experiments. We are flexible and will adapt to what suits you. See below for tentative schedule.
We ask that you, as a group leader, either at lunch, by email or at your weekly group meeting, inform and prepare all your employees on what they must do in preparation of our Windows10 upgrade.  
Please use the text above ("Information for all users") to inform those you are responsible for.
Give us feedback that the schedule is ok and you have informed your users.

Tentative time schedule

This time schedule can be be changed. If these changes affect your group, then the group leader and head of department will be notified.


When (Week no)

When (Dates)



29.04 – 03.05

Behavioural Sciences


06.05 – 10.05



13.05 – 24.05



27.05 – 07.06



10.06 – 21.06



24.06 – 05.07



15.07 – 09.08

Section of Internal Service


12.08 – 16.08

Comparative Medicine


19.08 – 23.08


By Morten Fahle, IT Department
Published Apr. 12, 2019 12:58 PM - Last modified Sep. 9, 2019 5:05 PM