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Electronic lab journal – e-lab journal

UiO is now launching an electronic lab journal for research.

 researchers documenting lab work

Illustration image of researchers documenting lab work. Photo:

The solution for the electronic lab journal for research to be introduced at UiO is made by elabnext. The electronic laboratory journal is also called a research log.

The electronic lab journal prevents cheating

In an electronic lab journal, one can easily share notes between colleagues. At the same time, the solution is designed so that you cannot edit or delete previous material, which is important in preventing the manipulation or alteration of data. Everything that is entered is stored safely, so that unauthorised persons do not gain access to the material and it does not get lost. One can create links between lab notes and samples or data so that it is easier to keep track of things, and everything can be managed and registered through a web portal. ELN can be used for both anonymous data and pseudonymous data (de-identified data).

Be among the first to use the new system

Researchers who wish to register their interest can do so either by contacting or by filling out the online form

Collaboration with OUH

For partners at OUH, it has now been clarified that OUH employees can log in as educloud users. OUH uses the same supplier of electronic laboratory journals, but the access and protocols will be institutionally conditional, cf. research responsibility for research projects. 

Collaboration with external parties

Elabnext at UiO is set up so that one has to log in as a FEIDE user. External partners must therefore be established as guest users with relevant collaboration research agreements at UiO so that they can use FEIDE login. External partners can log in using their educloud account.

Guidelines for using electronic lab journals

A guide has been prepared for using eLabNext.
Training videos have also been made (Requires that one is logged in with their UiO user).

Se also: MED has new guidelines for the use of lab journals for research.

By Silje M. Kile Rosseland
Published Sep. 15, 2023 1:11 PM - Last modified Sep. 15, 2023 1:11 PM