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Get help with your FRIPRO application

The Research Council's new ongoing application deadline requires better preparation of the application before submission. You risk a 2-year quarantine period if the application is not up to standard. The faculty's advisors can help you with your FRIPRO application. Express your interest in support as soon as possible, and submit your draft by April 22.

Illustration of research funding

To succeed with your application, you must be able to communicate both the value of your project and the quality of the work you will do to someone who may not necessarily be familiar with your field. Illustration

Pro-Dean of Research and Innovation Jan Bjaalie addresses the topic of FRIPRO in the management column in MED-news no. 5: "What happened to FRIPRO?". Bjaalie explains how the new ongoing application deadlines work and encourages our academic communities to plan their next FRIPRO applications now. Take the opportunity to get help from our experienced research advisors.

An extra set of eyes is invaluable

In general, it's always a good idea to have several pairs of eyes read the application. Ask colleagues, both those close to your field and those further away, to critically review the application. Remember that the evaluators may not always be familiar with your field.

Research advisors are here to help you!

In addition to getting input from colleagues, research advisors can provide advice for the application. The External Funding Unit (EEF) advises EU applicants at the faculty, but has capacity to read and comment on NFR FRIPRO applications in the coming months. Contact them by email at as soon as possible to schedule a review.

The application must be submitted by April 22 at the latest, preferably earlier, in order for EEF to have the capacity to read and comment on the application this spring.

If the application is of poor quality, you risk a longer quarantine period

In principle, everyone must wait at least one year from the submission of the application before they can submit a new one to any of the FRIPRO instruments. The Research Council's new ongoing call for proposals for FRIPRO is set up so that the applications submitted are better prepared, with the looming risk of an extended quarantine period of up to 2 years if the application is not good enough.

"Those who have previously submitted applications and received a grade of 6 or higher should work more on their application and resubmit," says senior advisor at the Research Council, Heidi Roggen.

"If you have received a lower grade, it may be the project that needs to be reconsidered," she continues.

Heidi Roggen and her colleagues at the Research Council are focused on the need for the quality of the application to be good. She encourages our researchers to utilize the help available to write the best application. The Research Council already receives more good applications than they can fund, so the competition is tough.

See also:

Recording of FRIPRO applicant webinar on ongoing application reception and processing (in Norwegian at Watch the recording and get an explanation of how NFR thinks around the new system for ongoing application processing.

FRIPRO announcements

Published Mar. 5, 2024 2:12 PM - Last modified Mar. 26, 2024 2:13 PM