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The dean election has now started!

Dean Ivar Gladhaug explains who has the right to vote and encourages you to use your right to vote in the dean's election 2022 today! Due to errors in DFØ, many people with the right to vote have dropped out of the number of people. You can still vote. The election closes on 14 September at 12.

Portrett av Ivar Prydz Gladhaug.
Dekan Ivar Prydz Gladhaug. Foto: Øystein Horgmo, UiO

This year's election is a real election with two good candidates. The two candidates, Jens Petter Berg and Hanne Flinstad Harbo, are now well presented via website presentations and election meetings. Monday's general meeting was successful and was well organized by the election committee with approx. 200 listeners on zoom and present. The candidates presented their programs and answered both pre-submitted questions and questions that came up at the meeting.

We have as a declared goal that university democracy should work. It depends on you as an employee or student using your right to vote!

All employees with at least 50% of the position, professor II and students can vote in the dean's election. Scholars with an external employer with a valid admission agreement for the doctoral program have the right to vote as students.

The election opened on 7 September at 08.00 and closes on 14 September at 12.00. Votes are cast in the university's own election portal, "e-valg", which will be linked to election pages and in e-mails.

Unfortunately, due to an error in our new personnel and payroll system (DFØ), many employees have fallen out of the workforce head count. This should now be updated. If an employee or student nevertheless finds that they are not registered with the right to vote (included in the head count), they can just as easily cast their vote and give a reason why they believe they should be included in the head count.

The result of the election will be announced as soon as the result is available after the end of the deadline on 14. September. All votes cast outside the number of people will be reviewed manually by the electoral board. It may therefore take a little longer before the result is announced than normal.

Use your voice! Happy election!


Read more about the election of the Dean 2022

By Dekan Ivar Prydz Gladhaug.
Published Sep. 12, 2022 12:08 PM - Last modified Jan. 23, 2024 3:18 PM