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Happy New Year!

Dean Hanne Flinstad Harbo wishes everyone a Happy New Year and talks about important and exciting issues facing us in 2024.

The Faculty will gather at Domus Bibliotheca

Dekan Hanne Flinstad Harbo
Dekan Hanne Flinstad Harbo. Foto: Åsne Rambøll Hillestad, UiO

Dear staff and students,

The faculty management would like to welcome you all back to work and studies after the Christmas holidays, and we wish you a Happy New Year for 2024! 

The world is now in the midst of several serious conflicts, and at the top of the wish list for all of us in the new year is the hope that the world will become a more peaceful place.

Here at the faculty, we will continue our efforts to help carry out the social mission we have taken on in promoting ‘Outstanding knowledge for future health’.

Joint kick-off

Remember that you are all invited to a joint kick-off to the new year in an open meeting at Domus Bibliotheca on Wednesday 17 January between 15:00 and 17:00.
Sign up here: Registration for Future Healthcare Service:  what do we do when we run out of people? 

Exciting plans for the new year

The faculty management will be putting in a lot of work to ensure that the faculty’s New strategy and new annual plan are implemented. We are working on many issues at the same time, and here are some examples of measures mentioned in our annual plan:

  • Review, prepare and implement the reception of more medical students at the faculty, collaborating health trusts and municipalities 
  • Review decentralised medical education at Innlandet
  • Review the bachelor’s and master’s programmes, assess recommendations and implement a new course and programme of study structure
  • Prepare and implement a plan for adequate academic supervisor training for PhD candidates
  • Prepare a roadmap with a milestone plan for research funding
  • Implement routines for good and responsible national and international research collaboration
  • Contribute to the review work regarding a possible merger of the Faculty of Dentistry and Faculty of Medicine 
  • Through the Faculty of Medicine’s newly established property forum, ensure good dialogue and influence decisions regarding space and buildings
  • Evaluate organisation of the smaller units that are directly subordinate to the faculty
  • Adopt and implement an action plan for diversity and equality, and an action plan for women’s health
  • Work proactively on change processes (inform, involve, evaluate and adjust) 

Although a lot of great work is already being done at the Faculty of Medicine, there is a lot of exciting development work ahead of us. We look forward to working with you on this in 2024!

Happy New Year!
Yours sincerely, Hanne

By Dean Hanne Flinstad Harbo
Published Jan. 16, 2024 1:41 PM - Last modified Jan. 18, 2024 1:47 PM