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Interdisciplinary collaboration

Dean Hanne Flinstad Harbo talks about what is happening at the faculty. This time, she talks specifically about the collaboration with NTNU at Campus Innlandet.

Dekan Hanne Flinstad Harbo
Dean Hanne Flinstad Harbo. Photo: Åsne Rambøll Hillestad, UiO 

Dear employees,
many people are on their winter holidays, but as usual, there is a lot going on at the faculty.

Norway Life Science 2024

There was a lot of interest in this year’s conference, which had more than 800 participants. With UiO in the driver’s seat and South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority as an important partner, a great programme was put together for the conference. It is fantastic that Norway and the Nordic region have the ambition of being a leading actor in the field of health data.

Collaboration with NTNU on medical education at Innlandet

For over 20 years, the faculty has worked with hospitals and GPs at Innlandet on supervised professional training for medical students. For just as long, NTNU has conducted supervised professional training for medical students at Tynset Hospital and in municipalities in the north of the county.

In the autumn of 2022, UiO entered into a letter of intent with Innlandet Hospital Trust to develop a decentralised UiO campus for medical students at Innlandet. UiO and the hospital have made specific plans from 2025/26 for 20 UiO students to move to Innlandet and complete the last three years of their medical studies at the hospitals and municipalities in the region.

In the 2024 state budget, NTNU was allocated 20 places to study medicine at Innlandet. From 2026, 20 medical students from NTNU will move to Innlandet and complete the last four years of their medical studies at the hospitals and municipalities in Innlandet.

UiO and NTNU are now collaborating with Innlandet Hospital Trust on how we can jointly develop a good, decentralised programme of study for medical students at both UiO and NTNU in Innlandet. Read the entire article in Khrono that I wrote about this together with Dean Siri Forsmo from NTNU and CEO Alice Beathe Andersgaard at Innlandet Hospital Trust. We look forward to the collaboration.

Nye æresdoktorer 2024

Professor Richard Hatchett and Professor Graça Raposo have been nominated as our two new honorary doctors, and the conferment ceremony will take place at UiO’s Annual Festivities on 2 September 2024. Join the events that are planned for the day!

Professor Richard J. Hatchett is an oncologist and epidemiologist. He has been CEO of the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) in Oslo and London since 2017. 

Professor Maria da Graça Raposo is a researcher known for her groundbreaking work on extracellular vesicles and their biomedical significance. She is a team leader at the Department of Cell Biology and Cancer at the University of Paris, and she is the head of the training unit at Institut Curie.

We look forward to welcoming our two new honorary doctors here at UiO in September.

Student Survey 2024 and ARK

This year’s Student Survey shows predominantly good results for our students. The motivation to study seems to be back at the same level as before the pandemic for students studying health sciences and medicine. Getting enough students to answer the survey is always a challenge. The Section for Student Affairs at the faculty and the education services at the institutes/departments have put in a lot of effort to increase the response rate, and it looks like they have been successful. Thank you for your dedicated efforts!

Your participation in the ARK survey is very important regarding our development as a workplace. If you haven’t already answered, please do it now! Read more about the working environment survey at MED here. The deadline for responding is 3 March. 

I hope you all have a great winter break!

Kind regards, Hanne

Some photos from the latest activities

Note that the captions are in Norwegian.

Bildekavalkade til MED-nytt nr. 4
By Dekan Hanne Flinstad Harbo
Published Feb. 29, 2024 1:37 PM - Last modified Feb. 29, 2024 1:37 PM