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Welcome to NorDoc Summer School in Helsinki

Vice-Dean Grete Dyb hopes to see some of our doctoral research fellows at the NorDoc Summer School in Finland. She also talks about the faculty’s skills development initiative for researchers and academic supervisors.

Grete Dyb
Visedekan for forskning og forskerutdanning Grete Anita Dyb. Foto: Åsne Rambøll Hillestad, UiO

Kjære kollega,

Dear colleagues,
It will soon be the summer holidays and hectic activity is taking place throughout the organisation!

It is peak season for public defences and we are very proud that a total of 136 public defences will be conducted at MED before the summer break.

There are a record number of candidates and we wish you all the best of luck.
We are a strong and efficient team that jointly develops new knowledge that the healthcare sector and society need. This is something that we are very proud of!

Welcome to the NorDoc Summer School in Helsinki

We also have good news for our doctoral research fellows. MED invites you to attend the NorDoc Summer School in Helsinki this summer.

Imagine being able to enjoy fellowship with candidates from all over the Nordic region in this beautiful city towards the end of summer in August. Have a look at the fantastic programme and register your participation. We look forward to seeing you in Finland and getting a great start to a new semester.

MED focusing on skills development for researchers and academic supervisors

We all need new knowledge and inspiration when it comes to our work tasks. Therefore, MED is focusing on providing researchers and academic supervisors with robust knowledge and skills so that their work continues to be exciting and rewarding. There are many dilemmas and difficult choices in research projects and in the training of new researchers. 

We have already received a lot of positive feedback on UiO’s course on research integrity and ethics, a brand new offer to postdoctoral fellows and academic staff at UiO. Knowledge and training give you the confidence to make good choices and assessments – treat yourself to this opportunity this autumn!

Many people also call for improved support for academic supervisors. There is often a large team supporting our candidates, and over the past year, MED has been working on developing a new plan for academic supervisor training tailored to our own academic supervisors. The planning work has now been completed and we will be rolling out the first courses during the autumn. 

Quality in organised research training

In order to achieve high quality organised research training, it is essential that we listen to our PhD candidates. We have been fortunate to have Johanna Henny Wagnerberger as a representative of MedDocs with us in this work. Her tenure is coming to an end, and there will be new elections in the autumn. We hope there is great interest, this is a meaningful position for a PhD candidate. Read more about the position and Johanna’s experiences: A meaningful leadership position.

Have a great summer!

Regards Grete

By Vice Dean of Research and Researcher Education Grete Dyb
Published July 10, 2024 10:11 AM - Last modified July 10, 2024 10:13 AM