Digital studies: Andreas Roswall

The pharmacies, the Pharmacy Association and the University have worked together to ensure continuity of the internships for pharmacy students. Meet Andreas Roswall (21), a student in the second year of the master’s programme in pharmacy.

man sitting in front of a computer

From where and what are you working on right now?

Now I am back at the pharmacy, and the day-to-day life has become relatively normal. However, as a result of the Corona epidemic, the customer behavior and the procedure at the pharmacy is slightly different. During my time at home, I studied through the available digital solutions. I tried to make the workspace more cozy and comfortable to keep the motivation up.

What are your best tips for studying from home?

By studying at home, you have the possibility to shape your workspace the way you like it. Create an extraordinary workspace during this extraordinary period. Decorate, make the work fun and vary the work environment! Maintaining motivated and not loosing your mood in a time like this is important. Also, digital tools are fun and making use of them is a good opportunity to vary the study methods. Maybe you will find the new study techniques better suited to the old ones.

What has been most engaging for the past week?

Seeing how helpful our professors are at a time like this has been very engaging. We may call them when we have any question or worry about the exam, and they almost daily post information to update us on the situation. Hysteria is the last thing we want, and they deserve praise for keeping us calm in a situation like this.

You were in practice at a pharmacy when the Corona crisis broke out and everyone was sent home. How did it go?Image may contain: Product, Eyewear, Glasses, Service, Selfie.

Being called home from the practice pharmacy was a daunting experience. For the exam practical experience is of huge importance, and there is no digital replacement. How this would affect the exam was also unclear. The mid-term exams at the university were canceled and we lost the opportunity for the exam in the form of OSCE. It is a new form of exam, and it was unsettling that we might not get an advance test. Receiving news of the practice being up and running the week after was incredible. The infection control in the pharmacies had been effectively initiated, and soon the pharmacies were ready for student practice again. A great job by the pharmacies, the Pharmacy Association and the University. It was good to get back on the track!

What are you looking forward to when all this is over?

I am longing for a return to a normal everyday life, meaning both a normal life of study and overall freedom, to be able to move on the street without worrying about passers. I'm also looking forward to again being able to perform music and attend concerts!



By Eva Michelsen Ekroll
Published Apr. 1, 2020 2:23 PM - Last modified Apr. 1, 2020 2:23 PM