Opening hours Easter 2018

Under you will find some practical information on opening hours and the availability of the administration at ARENA during the Easter holidays.

Working hours during Easter

State employees are exempt from work as of 12 pm (midday) on Wednesday before Maundy Thursday to the extent their work responsiblities allow for this.

Beyond this, the following days are work-free: Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Eve, Easter Sunday and Easter Monday. This year, this applies to the period 29 March to 2 April.

Access to the Sognsveien 68 building

From 26th March to 2nd april 2018, the building is closed. This means that you need to use your access card and code to get in.

If you get locked in the buildings or have problems with your UiO access card, please contact the Security Operation Center that is staffed around the clock, year round.

Administrative contacts

The administration is on holiday from 29th March to 2nd April. Urgent enquiries can be sent to Administrative Director Tara Sarin.

IT is available 26th-28th March 2018 and can be contacted at phone number 22 84 57 77 or email  

IMPORTANT NOTE: Anyone working at the office during this period should also ensure that the coffee and tea machines are switched off before leaving the building.

Important numbers:

Fire: 110

Police: 112

Ambulance: 113

UiO Security Operation Center:

Duty phone 228 55007 or emergency phone 228 56666

Published Mar. 26, 2018 1:50 PM - Last modified Jan. 2, 2024 1:44 PM