Your personal web page

Your personal web page is your online identity. It is important to keep your profile correct and updated.

Personal presentation

At ARENA we aim to have informative and professional personal presentations. All employees can and should update their own personal page, in order to keep it up to date.

If you need assistance, please don't hesitate to ask Tyra for help or access.

Remember to update affiliation, research stays, projects, grants, awards and prizes, etc.

Note that everyone has one English and one Norwegian page. Both needs to be updated in parallel!

See also the general UiO guidelines, in English or Norwegian (more elaborate).


The publications list is automatically generated from CRIStin. For any errors or omissions, do the necessary changes in CRIStin.

Note that if you are using the "Selected publications" field to highlight some of your work, it is of utmost importance to update this manually. This will be added on top of the automatically generated lists with "scientific articles and book chapters", "books" and "other".

The screenshot below shows how this part looks in the Vortex edit mode.

If the field "Utvalgte publikasjoner" (selected publications) is empty, your page will only include the three default lists which are automatically generated (in blue on the screenshot above), and you will only need to keep CRIStin updated. 


You can take a professional profile photo for the website with the faculty's photographer.

Published Nov. 26, 2015 1:47 PM - Last modified Nov. 22, 2022 7:15 PM