Minutes Laboratory group meeting September 13th 2016

1. Information about the building process:

Tor: There is going to be built a social psychology lab, a 4 cells EEG labs and a baby-lab in the basement. Clinical lab will be completed. There will also be a room for babycare. The need for testrooms is recognized and we will try to get several ready in the building process.

2.  What are the needs for organizing the labs, roundtable:

Thomas Espeseth: Uses Eye tracking and EEG, and the Scanner at Intervention Center. He needs a test room.  Some of the equipment will be dedicated to ongoing projects.

Rene H./Anne-Kristin/ Thomas E.: We need to clean up the EEG lab.

Bruno: the cleaners do not have access to the EEG lab, therefore it has not been cleaned for a long time. We need to talk to the company that cleans the rooms. Tor will take action on this

Jon: Clinical lab: have planned more experimental studies. Perception in psychotherapy. The group needs a printer.

Anne-Kristin: Clinical neuropsychology: Uses EEG and Eye tracking. She uses a Bisonic amplifier and the Scanner at Rikshospitalet. Regarding the EEG lab, there is some interfering noise when she uses the lab. She does Paralell recordings, for this she needs equipment and space. Longitudinal challenges. Open for others using the equipment.

Thomas Schubert: Social Psychology lab: the lab has some old equipment but it is functional. Uses VR presentations and psychophysiological sensors.

Annika: has an EEG lab and Eye Tracking lab. She would like a lab exclusively for EKUP, video recording equipment and room for babycare. Her lab uses other systems for EEG and Eyetracking than the other labs, so it is a challenge to standardize technical support.

Bruno: Cog lab with Eye tracker.

3. EEG lab: What must be done right away:

  1. Sound isolation. Rene H. and Per Ole is working on this.
  2. Rene H., Anne-Kristin and James will take the main responsibility to clean up the lab.
  3. Old equipment needs to be disposed of.

4. Organizing assistance

Thomas Espeseth: The equipment (Eye Tracking and EEG) will need dedicated man power in order to be maintained.

Bruno: Needs scientific assistant 50 % or full time, and this person must have knowledge of Eye tracking.

We will have some resources in Jamie (20% eytracking, 20% EEG and 20% on WM infrastructure. Thomas has one 20% assistant in the social lab and there are two 20% positions dedicated to video, TSD and qualitative research. There is one 20% position related to organizing fMRI at OuH. The need for more assistants in the labs will be discussed with regard to budget for 2017.

5. Interaction with the new SV-IT organization  and technical support

SV-IT will be reorganized to provide better support for laboratory infrastructure, TSD and WM solution. There will be a contact person with SV-IT, possibly Egil but has yet to be decided.

6. Meeting plan

October: the agenda will be budget (this might be done as e-mail discussion)

November: layout of the new labs discussion about organization of technical support

Published May 25, 2018 10:26 AM - Last modified Dec. 6, 2019 10:45 AM