Minutes Research infrastructure advisory board meeting May 22th 2018

1. Mandate and work in the board

Tor oriented about the boards mandate. The idea is that the board should serve as an advisory board for the head of research. The mandate was accepted and will be published. The board has also changed name from “Labutvalg” to research infrastructure board and it was decided to include some researchers from method.

The board will have two regular meetings at fixed dates every semester. Autumn semester 2018: September 4th and October 30th. Spring semester 2019: January 29th and May 28th.

2. Transparency

We will update the web page “Laboratorier ved Psykologisk institutt” with and overview of the labs, overview of infrastructure resources (storage programs) and overview of RA’s paid by PSI.

3. Leiested

There are now made an suggestion for cost when leiested is used. The concept creates a lot of dilemmas both for the researchers and for the department. The following is an attempt to clearify:

Hourly rate includeds RA for data collection.

The RA will not be in the lab from 09.00-17.00 but the RA will be there when you do your work in the lab.

Leiested is an additional overhead to cover running costs and should be included in research grant applications.

It was suggested that the board should prepare a policy statement to “Styret” regarding leiested. This policy statement will be on the agenda in our next Meeting.

4. Opening of Labs 2018

The building of the labs is more or less finished. There will be an opening ceremony in Forsamlingssalen including presentation of all labs at PSI in the fall. The board suggests a mini conference with presentations from all the labs in PSI.

5. RA principles and plans for 2018

The infrastructure board will discuss this more in the fall but the general opinion is that labs that are open to everyone should be prioritized with RA’s.

The labs which are open for all and complex to use without aid:





Resource pr. August 1 : 4-5 20 % postions

In use: 20 % for videoanalysis and the 20 % position will also be there through autumn 2018. The Social Psychology lab will hire one RA for the autumn that also will have some responsibility for the basement area.

6.   RITMO

RITMO will rent one lab in the first floor (MovCam). No income or expenses for PSI except rent (200.000.- pr. year as income)

RITMOS lab will be equipped with one 100 % engineer and RA’s with competency than can be shared with other labs.

RITMO will use fMRI,  EEG and EYETRACKER and pay pr. hour “leiested”  (estimated 4-500.000 pr. year)

The RITMO center will also finance one 100 % engineer/datamanager which competency can be shared with other labs.

Two rooms in basement west wing EEG lab (Anne –Kristin Solbakk) and thre Eyetracker rooms in Coglab (Bruno Laeng) have a lot of activity related to RITMO since the resarchers responsible are in RITMO. RITMO has no particular right to any of the labs except for the MovCam lab that is financed by Musicology.

7. Budget 2019

The infrastructure board should deliver input to the budget for 2019. Our investment plan will be ready by the end of October and will include need for equipment, lab furniture, RA’s and Software.



Published Dec. 6, 2019 10:45 AM - Last modified Jan. 10, 2020 4:35 PM