Minutes Research infrastructure advisory board meeting October 30th

1. Joakim Dyrnes presented status in the infrastructure project

The goal is to provide a more transparent and efficient organization and service around the department infrastructure.

The project will make a web page meant for booking of labs, overview of equipment, software and RAs.

There is aslo need for a datamanager connected to:

  • Data Processing

  • GDPR

  • Certification connected to use of lab Equipment

  • Calculation of “leiestedkostnader”

2. Overview of research equipment. How do we keep track and ensure availability

We need an overview of the Department equipment and software. Egil has this overview connected to “innkjøpssystemet”. Making this overview transparent for all could be assigned to a data manager or RAs.

3. Needs for investments and running COSTs in 2019

500 000 .- for:

  • Running Costs

  • Software

  • Storage (TSD, hotel)

  • Minor Investments


  • Biosemi 300 000.-, two PC connected to  EEG

  • 50 000 per lab (labnet),  Egil vil calculate the costs for this

  • Network licences labnet e- prime

  • Electrodes EMG

  • Response box,  10 new boxes already purchased

  • TSD videoanalysis

  • Video camera clinic

20 % RA

  • EEG 2

  • fMRI, funded externally

  • Videoanalysis

  • TSD and “nettskjema”

  • Eyetracking

  • VR Social Psychology

  • Babylab basement

For questions regarding safe storage of data: please see this web page

Need for investments and running costs in 2019 can be sent to Tor within December 1st.

Accessibility of lab leaders should result in teaching hours

4. Christmas seminar

10 minute presentations to be given once during the seminar:

5-6 from a range of labs. Typical or ground breaking project or findings. Communicate to the whole department (non experts)

  • Videoanalysis , Jon

  • Social Psychology/VR , Thomas/ Janis

  • Behavior, Bruno

  • Attention EcoG , Anne –Kristin

  • MR or Eyetracking, Samira/Thomas

  • Baby studies, Lotte

Presentations ca be given by Post.docs  or ph.d. candidates. RAs will be given the responsibility of guiding  the groups between labs.

Demoes to be given several times:

  • Video analysis, Hanne

  • Virtual reality, Claire

  • Virtual reality, LCBC

  • EEG, Rene

  • Eyetracking, Bruno

  • Use of Web to collect experimental data, Thomas Hagen

  • Small childrens Research

  • Eyetrack, Lotte, Julien

  • Preferental looking, Lotte

5. Next meeting

January 29th



Published Oct. 23, 2018 4:33 PM - Last modified Dec. 6, 2019 10:45 AM