Minutes Research infrastructure advisory board meeting December 18th

1. How to distribute Assistant resources (RA`s) next year

We have 300 % RA positions for next year and we need to prioritize them so people can make use of them the whole year. There are several possibilities but 100% must be used for other things than RA in high tech labs.  The prioritization was decided to be as follows:

RA distribution % RA Labmanager
Eyetracking and Coglab 30   Bruno Laeng
EEG Lab 1 10 Shared Anne-Kristin Solbakk/Thomas Espeseth
EEG Lab 2 10 Shared Thomas Espeseth/Anne-Kristin Solbakk
EEG Lab 3 40 Rene S.  René Huster
VR Lab Social Psychology 20 Olivia P. Thomas Schubert
fMRI Lab 20 Elian Tor Endestad
Child Lab Basement 20   Julien Mayor
Baby Lab 3rd floor     Lotte Thomsen
DM and General Lab logistics 20   Tor Endestad and Data Manager
Video analysis Lab 20 Lars Mk. Jon Monsen
Nettskjema 20 Elise Solbu Roalsø Hanne Strømme
DM assistant non experimental transcription/Clinical RA 40   MAKS representative?
We wait with 50% resource 50   Infrastructure Board

We have yet to prioritize 50% RA position, this gives us some room if there are increased needs that we do not know of as of yet. There is a divide between Ra`s funded by the department and RA`s funded by project funding. Tor informed that at last Board meeting it was decided that the Department will employ a Data manager. The Data manager will help researchers with data management plans and questions regarding ethics.

Published Jan. 14, 2019 11:16 AM - Last modified Dec. 6, 2019 10:45 AM