Agenda Research infrastructure advisory board meeting May 28th

1. New position as DM at PSI

Torgrim Mikael Langleite gave a short presentation of himself. Joakim has been involved in making a laboratory handbook. Responsibility for the handbook will be given to Torgrim who will also be responsible for all things related to data handling. Ethical issues will be handled by Aina.

2. Official opening of labs and party in late August

It was suggested that we should have an open lab day after the deadline for applying for funding from Helse Sør- Øst,  mid September. The day could consist of a combination of presentation of some labs, and tour of the labs. The lab day could be half a day, and invitation should be sent to all students, Department of Teacher Education and School Research and Faculty of Humanities.

3. New AVIT call, prioritization

The next call will be in early Autumn, with deadline in winter. Applicants should have a 4-5 year perspective of needs. Torgrim will make a nettskjema who will be sent out to the department to collect information about needs. It will be possible to flag needs for hardware and software, but not assistants in the Call.

4. Department Assistants overview and priority discussion

  • EEG has one will get one or two more  
  • fMRI has one
  • VR lab has one
  • Videolab has one
  • Eye tracking has one
  • Small childrens lab has one
  • Nettskjema Nortras

We will hire 3-4 more

  • Help out with identified issues in survey (nettskjema, transcription, database, etc)
  • Assist DM

We plan to hire the rest of the assistants in May. It is planned to construct a Web page for contact with assistants. It is now possible to have contracts for assistants for up til 2 years. The assistants will be supervised by Torgrim and the goal is that the assistants should have a basic general knowledge of the labs, rather than specialization.

5. Short presentation of The Cognitive and Translational Neuroscience Cluster (CTNC) as a candidate for core facility at UiO

Rene Huster gave a short presentation. The lab was deliberately called a cluster rather than a center. The cluster aim is to apply for long term basic funding for core facilities. The Faculty is working on a Roadmap for core facility, and the department is on the green list. There is no funding connected to the Road Map, but if one is prioritized there will exist an obligation for the Faculty at later stages. It is important when flagging the needs to  look at what kind of equipment the other institutions in Norway has in their labs.

6. New UiO initiative to establish standard DM plans for research projects at UiO

The goal of the initiative is to establish standardized DM plans at UIO

Project initiated by UIO involving all the Faculties

  • Johannes Elgvin responsible for SV input, Joakim Dyrnes is part of the project from PSI.
  • Focus group meeting
  • Survey sent out to all researchers: main objective, what do you as a researcher need



Published Sep. 27, 2019 10:33 AM - Last modified Dec. 6, 2019 10:45 AM