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Programme for young researchers at the Faculty of Educational Sciences

The Faculty of Educational Sciences launches a programme with a fucus on young researchers who want to apply for external funding for research projects. The application deadline has been postponed to 10 August 2020 at 12.00.

The UV faculty wants a focus on younger researchers. We are therefore launching a new program targeting researchers working on various calls within the category "research projects". This includes:

  • ERC Starting or Consolidator grants;
  • Researcher Project for Scientific Renewal and Researcher Project for Young Talents within FRIPRO and other Norwegian Research Council programmes;
  • The planned announcement of the Norwegian Research Council call for large multidisciplinary projects. 

Applicants to innovation grant calls are not included in the programme.

The duration of the programme is one year. Those enrolled in the programme are expected to submit an application by the end of 2021.

Up to 8 researchers will be admitted to the programme. The programme starts in autumn 2020.

Criteria for participation

Applicants must be:

  • Employed in a permanent academic position at the Faculty of Educational Sciences
  • PhD degree awarded no later than 10 years before the submission deadline for the targeted call. If you plan to apply for a call where the funding organisation allows for an extension of the eligibility window for parental leave, compulsory military or civil service,sick leave or other reasons, you may also apply the same rules to extend your elegibility window for this programme. 

We offer

  • Review of application draft by up to three external experts or experienced researchers at the faculty.
  • NOK 50,000 in seed money. The funds may be used for activities that support the development of the application, e.g. seminars, travel, research assistance, and database searches.

Activities in the programme

  • Start-up seminar, where participants are to present the project idea and timeline for work on the application
  • Two seminars each semester with emphasis on project development and input from experienced researchers
  • Meeting with department or center management to discuss project plans and application drafts

Researchers admitted to the programme are expected to participate actively in the activities in the programme. They will also be asked to submit a short report on their participation at the end of the programme.

Application process

The application should contain a project outline (about 2 pages) and a short CV (up to 2 pages). The application must also include information on which call the application is targeting.

Applications are to be sent to via the Head of Department or Centre to the faculty secretariat, attn. Hanna Karv, by 10 August 2020 at 12.00.

The applications are assessed by the deanship, following the Norwegian Research Council's assesment criteria

Published May 28, 2020 3:14 PM - Last modified June 29, 2020 5:05 PM