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Faculty of Educational Sciences Stimulus Funds 2018

In order to increase the amount of project bids to the European Union, the Faculty of Educational Sciences announces stimulus funds to support project initiatives at the Faculty. The Faculty has earmarked funds for this purpose also in the 2018 budget.

An open-ended call

The stimulus funds will cover costs related to project development, including:

  • Meeting costs
  • Travel costs
  • Purchase of services
  • Possible buy-outs from teaching activities
  • Travel and subsistence costs for partners. Note that the Faculty will only cover part of the costs for partners.

It is possible to apply for up to NOK 40 000.

The application

All applications for the Faculty stimulus funds must be supported by the applicant’s department. Applicants should contact the head of department for approval.

The application must include a rough budget, the project’s working title, a timeline showing planned activities and a reference to the call, including the application deadline. It may be viewed favourably if an application has received positive reviews in a previous application round,.

Applications should not exceed two pages. Applications may be submitted at any time during 2018.

All applications should be sent electronically to the Faculty secretariat, attn. Hanna Karv.

The Faculty presupposes that all applications for stimulus funds generate project applications to the EU. The Faculty asks the applicant to provide documentation once the application has been submitted.


Published Jan. 12, 2017 9:56 AM - Last modified Jan. 4, 2018 12:36 PM